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Google Assistant room assignment PROBLEMS

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67 replies

  • Headliner I
  • 187 replies
  • May 2, 2020
Nevyn72 wrote:

A message like 'we are working on it' would be helpful.

Not necessarily - there are problem threads here ending with “we are working on it” that go back more than a year with no resolution.

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 2, 2020

Hey Guys

Same problem here:

GA on Sonos Beam in my living room, thinks it’s in our bathroom.
All voice commands with no room specified goes to the bathroom :-)
The bathroom does not have any Sonos devices, but it does have a Google Nest Mini.

Have been having the issue for 1-2 weeks now - tried all kinds of relinking, but problem comes back within a couple of hours.


nkildal wrote:

Hey Guys

Same problem here:

Have been having the issue for 1-2 weeks now - tried all kinds of relinking, but problem comes back within a couple of hours.

Welcome to the club!  

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 4, 2020
Glenns_and_Roses wrote:
nkildal wrote:

Hey Guys

Same problem here:

Have been having the issue for 1-2 weeks now - tried all kinds of relinking, but problem comes back within a couple of hours.

Welcome to the club!  

I've joined this too with 2 rooms! 😔

Same problem here :/

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 5, 2020

Same issue… Very annoying! 


Surely Sonos looks at these forums. What is their response to this??

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • May 5, 2020

Another boring +1 here but man is this annoying. Was working great for months since I got the One, and now imagine my surprise when it says cheerily, “Okay! Turning on 16 lights!” 

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • May 10, 2020

This is a close description to what I have encountered recently. 

I attached two individual Sonos Ones from two rooms as rear speakers for a Beam in a third room. Now, when returned to their rooms. These Ones will only control lights in the room with the Beam by default. Now I need to specifically tell GA which room I want to activate. 

Tried moving the units in and out to see if they 'refresh' their room status. To no avail. 

Last attempt I tried was full unlinking, which did not work either. I guess I'll just hang back and wait for an update? //D


  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 22 replies
  • May 10, 2020

+1 same issue, was working fine then recently started controlling lights in a different room without a directed command

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 11, 2020

I have four devices with the same issue. “Hey Google, Turn on the lights” This turns on my four TV room lights, and not the lights in the room the Sonos is assigned. 

I did a lot of the same as the rest of you. Fully reset, and then setup the Sonos and the Google assistant, making sure to assign the correct room. Seems to work for a few minutes, and then breaks again.

I have reported the issue via email to Sonos. I specifically sent a link to this thread to point out this is an issue for multiple people. They are saying it will take up to a week to get back to me with a response.

  • Contributor I
  • 6 replies
  • May 11, 2020

I am also experiencing this exact problem. Seems like GA loses functionality every day. 


It also used to respond with a chime when I asked it to turn off the lights (in the same room), but it's now reverted back to chatty mode and responds with the annoying "turning 5 lights off in the bedroom" etc.

@Ryan S I have a very mixed environment, and its only sonos that doesn’t handle the request correctly,
all the hubs, and even my Bose portable speaker does it correctly..

isnt that verry strange that its googles issue if it works with every other type of smartspeaker/hub?

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 12, 2020

I am also having this issue. My two Google Home devices work fine, but my 5 Sonos One’s don’t recognize the correct room.

  • Lyricist III
  • 12 replies
  • May 13, 2020

Same problem. Everything gets attached to the bedroom and suddenly all devices respond simultaneously. This is a horrible customer experience!


I removed all the assistant devices from Google Assistant now and then removed the account link. Now at least there is no more cacophony of responses..


All other Google Assistant devices work fine, so this MUST be a Sonos issue.

Ryan S wrote:

This should 100% not be needed, but if you want to try another suggestion that’s a bit extreme, disconnect Google Home from Sonos, remove Sonos devices from Home and delete any preferred speakers in rooms using Sonos. Remove the Google Assistant from your players and system as well. Then wait 24 hours (so that the Assistant cache can be cleared), and try the set up fresh. 

I’ve also sent up your case with the support team for review so that another set of eyes can look into it. They may reach out to follow up.


Did this.

  1. Disconnected Google Home from Sonos.  (I did this from the Google Home app, “unlink Sonos.)
  2. After that no Sonos anything showed up on Google Home, and no Google Assistant anything showed up on Sonos.
  3. Waited 3 days.
  4. Set up fresh using Sonos app.

Bad behavior was immediate.  Same problem.

Next I’ll try “deleting Home” from Google Home and setting up a new home from scratch.  Maybe there’s some setting that is “stuck” and deleting the Home will help?

  • 6146 replies
  • May 13, 2020

Please keep us posted.

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • May 13, 2020

I have the same issue with a new Beam I just installed and had the same issue with 2x Sonos one's . If I use a GH device to control the room and have my Sonos as a default speaker it all works great great , but as soon as I have the beam as the assistant and ask it to turn off the lights it shuts them off in the wrong room.


Please fix.


just chiming in to report that I am experiencing the same issue. all lighting related voice commands control only the lights in my family room. 


I've played all sorts of games with registering/unregistering speakers and disconnecting/re-connecting google assistant to sonos, same behavior every time.


the only thing to mention is that if I set up google assistant on the speakers one at a time (bedroom, office, daughter’s room) everything works as expected. but as soon as I set up google assistant on the family room system all voice commands only control the family room. 

Bedroom - Beam
Office - 2x Ones (L+R)

Daughter’s Room - One

Family Room - playbase, sub, one, one sl

  • Lyricist III
  • 12 replies
  • May 16, 2020

So some new experiences here. I’m going to give a detailled description, maybe we can find some similarities?

Other than the Sonos I have some more GA devices: Home Mini (bedroom), LG Tv (living room), iPhone. Everything is set up in german.

Since most rooms didn‘t work any more after trying to fix this, I removed the Google Assistant from Sonos (unlinked it). I also waited 2 days to have any cache cleared. Then I started setting it up again. For setup, I use my iPhone (Google Pixel wasn‘t able to find the speakers most of the time in my last tests...).

After setting up the living room (2x Sonos One, LAN on the left one) I immediately tested it and the assigned room was correct. I repeated the test (switch light on/off) every few minutes and after about 10min, it started to fail (think‘s it‘s in the bedroom). It still fails now, more than a day later.

I proceeded with the dining room (also 2x Sonos One) and had the same experience. First ~10min ok, then wrong room.

Next I set up the bathroom (1x Sonos One). Sonos told me in the last step that the Assistant could not be set up, after the whole wizard from GA, but still it seems to be configured and this one continues to work fine, correctly assigned. At least for more than 24h now!

I just set up the last one (1x Sonos one) in the working room and it‘s fine but I will check on it later. This time there were no errors in the setup process..

Other notes:

When I move the room assigned to the bedroom Home Mini, the wrongly assigned Sonos speakers „follow“ it and think they are in the newly assigned room.

In the previous tries the speakers all went one when more than one was is listening distance („hey google“). This is NOT the case any more right now. Only the nearest one responds. Quite a relief.

So it‘s better than before, but still two rooms that are not quite right and also this feels fragile as hell.




Your post isn’t very clear to me, but when you mention that ‘after 10 minutes the speakers appear in the wrong room’, do you mean they get renamed? … if so, then you will likely find that it is Apple HomeKit renaming the accessories back to their original names. Which means they will change rooms in the Sonos App and also your Google Home. 

If that is what is happening, then you just need to rename the speakers to the correct room in Apple HomeKit.


I had something similar happen to me.  One of the times I was relinking Sonos to GA, I started with only one speaker.   And for a few minutes everything actually worked correctly and “turn on the light” behaved as expected and controlled the room that speaker was in.   Then a few minutes later I added GA to a second speaker.  After I did that both speakers were back to misbehaving.  Wasn’t sure if it was the elapsed time or the fact that I had set-up a second speaker.

  • Lyricist III
  • 12 replies
  • May 17, 2020
Ken_Griffiths wrote:

phenx,  Your post isn’t very clear to me, but when you mention that ‘after 10 minutes the speakers appear in the wrong room’, do you mean they get renamed? … 


When I say “appear in the wrong room” I mean that the command “Hey google, turn on the lights” turns on the lights in another room than the one the speaker is assigned to.

E.g. saying “turn on the lights” in the bedroom and they turn on in the bedroom → correct room

Saying “turn on the lights” in the living room and they still turn on in the bedroom → wrong room

When I open the Google Home app, all speakers still show up in the room I assigned them to (bedroom speaker in bedroom, living room speaker in living room etc.). Moving them to different rooms has no apparent effect. They still all think they are in the bedroom..

if so, then you will likely find that it is Apple HomeKit renaming the accessories back to their original names. Which means they will change rooms in the Sonos App and also your Google Home. 

I am not sure how to understand this. We are talking about Sonos and the Google Assistant. How is Apple HomeKit playing a role in here? To make sure HomeKit is not somehow interfering, I just removed all Sonos devices from HomeKit and will try again. Will report back.


  • Lyricist III
  • 12 replies
  • May 17, 2020
phenx wrote:

Next I set up the bathroom (1x Sonos One). Sonos told me in the last step that the Assistant could not be set up, after the whole wizard from GA, but still it seems to be configured and this one continues to work fine, correctly assigned. At least for more than 24h now!

I just set up the last one (1x Sonos one) in the working room and it‘s fine but I will check on it later. This time there were no errors in the setup process..

Just a quick report back: Some hours later the bathroom Sonos One also now think’s it it in the bedroom 😞 And the working room one as well.

So now all Sonos speakers behave like they are in the wrong room...

phenx wrote:
Ken_Griffiths wrote:

phenx,  Your post isn’t very clear to me, but when you mention that ‘after 10 minutes the speakers appear in the wrong room’, do you mean they get renamed? … 


When I say “appear in the wrong room” I mean that the command “Hey google, turn on the lights” turns on the lights in another room than the one the speaker is assigned to.

E.g. saying “turn on the lights” in the bedroom and they turn on in the bedroom → correct room

Saying “turn on the lights” in the living room and they still turn on in the bedroom → wrong room

When I open the Google Home app, all speakers still show up in the room I assigned them to (bedroom speaker in bedroom, living room speaker in living room etc.). Moving them to different rooms has no apparent effect. They still all think they are in the bedroom..

if so, then you will likely find that it is Apple HomeKit renaming the accessories back to their original names. Which means they will change rooms in the Sonos App and also your Google Home. 

I am not sure how to understand this. We are talking about Sonos and the Google Assistant. How is Apple HomeKit playing a role in here? To make sure HomeKit is not somehow interfering, I just removed all Sonos devices from HomeKit and will try again. Will report back.


It won’t be HomeKit, I thought your speakers were changing their names, which is not the case and completely my misunderstanding, although it is HomeKit that will change a Sonos room name from time to time. 

I use Philips Hue bulbs and they are working here okay and they are set in the same named rooms in the Philips Hue App as they are in the Google Home App .. they appear like this (see screenshot attached)… the one thing I do not do, is give my bulbs the same name as the room itself .. So perhaps give them ‘unique’ names that do not ‘clash’ with any other smart-home device or room name ...and see if that resolves things.

(editThe numbers shown next to each group of lights, is how many bulbs are in each room by the way).

  • Enthusiast II
  • 43 replies
  • May 18, 2020

I am adding my experience to the room assignment issue. I pulled all my GN Hubs out of the bedrooms to use my Sonos Beams (Hard Wired) for GA in order to declutter and simplify. If I ask any beam in any room to turn on a light, my kitchen lights respond. I have to ask for the action, room, and device “Turn on the Bedroom lights” specifically. :-(

Back to the GN hubs for now...bummed

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