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When using the Sonos app with more than one user account in Spotify (Family Plan), there’s no way to tell what recently played playlist is part of which member’s account.

The biggest issue we’ve been experiencing is the classic, one person is playing their music outside the home, but then someone at home plays a playlist from the recently played, and it cuts the other person off. Then a bit of back and forth stealing playing rights before figuring out what is going on. 

It would be great to add the Spotify user avatar or initials in a small bubble over the album/playlist art in any area of the UI where music sources from multiple accounts are displayed (ie - Recently Played, Albums, or Playlists). 


Hello @sixoversix, welcome back!

As a Spotify Family member I totally agree with this feature.

I would suggest you reach out to Spotify though, as they are responsible for the implementation of Spotify within the Sonos App.

One quick tip would be to save a Spotify curated playlist as your own Sonos playlist and rename it, to avoid having other members playing the same one by accident.

I hope this helps.


I would suggest you reach out to Spotify though, as they are responsible for the implementation of Spotify within the Sonos App.


This answer for every issue with the music service by Sonos and their surrogates is so tired. 

This is how it works though……

As I said it’s a tired response.


But I get it, they are powerless. They have zero control to ensure that the music services they allow to integrate on their platform work well. Sonos can’t do anything about, it they just host and own the integration, have zero say. It’s up to the users to make this happen by begging, pleading.  /s


But in seriousness, over ten years ago when streaming was new this may have made sense, but now IMO not at all.


Hello @sixoversix, welcome back!

As a Spotify Family member I totally agree with this feature.

I would suggest you reach out to Spotify though, as they are responsible for the implementation of Spotify within the Sonos App.

One quick tip would be to save a Spotify curated playlist as your own Sonos playlist and rename it, to avoid having other members playing the same one by accident.

I hope this helps.

@Sotiris C. Thank you for your response, however I must respectfully disagree that this is a Spotify issue.

In the Sonos app, my Spotify username is displayed in some areas (meaning Spotify has provided the necessary data to the Sonos App, for Sonos to manage and display in Spotify’s “Your Library” and Spotify’s “Playlists” shortcuts on the My Sonos page, as well as they “Browse” connections of the app.

This tiny piece of meta data is available and can be implemented by the Sonos team. In the screenshot above, you can already see there is a Spotify logo under the playlist album art cover. Just pass the username as part of the source object to the UI. 

I do this for a living and know this is most certainly a “low hanging fruit” for any developer who already has the connection saved for each user’s third party music app integration. You have to keep it saved in the app for it to keep the authentication live. 

Edit: regarding renaming the playlist. We like to subscribe to other’s playlists and not save a copy sometimes, so we cannot always rename the playlist. Also this problem would exist for any single track or artist album that is shown in the Recently Played list. 

@Sotiris C. Thank you for your response, however I must respectfully disagree that this is a Spotify issue.

In the Sonos app, my Spotify username is displayed in some areas (meaning Spotify has provided the necessary data to the Sonos App, for Sonos to manage and display in Spotify’s “Your Library” and Spotify’s “Playlists” shortcuts on the My Sonos page, as well as they “Browse” connections of the app.

This tiny piece of meta data is available and can be implemented by the Sonos team. In the screenshot above, you can already see there is a Spotify logo under the playlist album art cover. Just pass the username as part of the source object to the UI. 

I do this for a living and know this is most certainly a “low hanging fruit” for any developer who already has the connection saved for each user’s third party music app integration. You have to keep it saved in the app for it to keep the authentication live. 

Edit: regarding renaming the playlist. We like to subscribe to other’s playlists and not save a copy sometimes, so we cannot always rename the playlist. Also this problem would exist for any single track or artist album that is shown in the Recently Played list. 


I suggest you look here and learn the relationship between Sonos, music services, and the Sonos Music API.  In short, Sonos doesn’t change anything about the displayed data as it comes to them from SMAPI.  They allow the music service full autonomy over how their data is displayed:

As I said it’s a tired response.


But I get it, they are powerless. They have zero control to ensure that the music services they allow to integrate on their platform work well. Sonos can’t do anything about, it they just host and own the integration, have zero say. It’s up to the users to make this happen by begging, pleading.  /s


But in seriousness, over ten years ago when streaming was new this may have made sense, but now IMO not at all.



Simply declaring something “tired” doesn’t change the accuracy of the statement.  Sonos has pledged that the music service has the right to display data any way they choose and Sonos will not interfere.  Does Sonos perhaps work behind the scenes to suggest changes or additions?  We know that for a fact, because they have said so.  Do we know when a music service has told them that they aren’t going to make those changes, and for what reason?  No we don’t, because Sonos isn’t going to throw a partner under the bus.  So we are back to the most logical route to request a change - Ask the music services directly, for it is the user who has a financial relationship with any given service.

Like clockwork.

I get it Sonos can’t do anything, music services have rights, very logical, buses, money etc. Same crap for like 10 years, same crappy sonos app.


Sonos has pledged that the music service has the right to display data any way they choose and Sonos will not interfere.


Oh really


i. We have guidelines on building a good app/product that you agree to work towards.
j. If you are a content service, you additionally agree to comply with the Sonos Music API terms and conditions. As a content service, you can sign in to your existing account or create a new account here.


In short, Sonos doesn’t change anything about the displayed data as it comes to them from SMAPI.  They allow the music service full autonomy over how their data is displayed:

Thanks for supplying the link. Checking into what data is available in the SMAPI object, there is:


There is also the refreshAuthToken which renews the connection to your third-party services. In this response is userInfo. This object will return the user's nickname on your service. The Sonos app will pre-populate this nickname for the account holder when they add your service to their Sonos household. This element contains the information needed for your service to continue to authenticate the user for all Sonos API calls.

The SMAPI does capture the third-party API information to display the username (the “nickname”). Sonos’ app uses this show this information on it’s UI today - just not everywhere it could/should.

If a component does not directly contain part of the object data, but it exist through the AuthToken or UserInfo elsewhere, it’s not hard to can create a new object that passes the additional info along to the UI. 

Edit: I’m willing to admit I am wrong about something. But I believe the data exists, it is already part of the UI, just need to update the UI or component to accept an additional piece of metadata to enable this VERY SIMPLE feature.

@sixoversix Sonos app displays this correctly with Apple Music afaik

@Bumper - So in your Recently played, you see the Apple Music account that the playlist or track was played from? If so, then I would like a Sonos Dev to help explain what is missing from the Spotify side (given the information is clearly available within the UI).

For example, when I click on the playlist from Recently Played, and click the 3 dots menu at the top right, the “More” section of that sub-menu shows “Spotify (pmyUserNameHere])” Which means that data is already associated with it.

Like clockwork.

I get it Sonos can’t do anything, music services have rights, very logical, buses, money etc. Same crap for like 10 years, same crappy sonos app.


Sonos has pledged that the music service has the right to display data any way they choose and Sonos will not interfere.


Oh really


i. We have guidelines on building a good app/product that you agree to work towards.
j. If you are a content service, you additionally agree to comply with the Sonos Music API terms and conditions. As a content service, you can sign in to your existing account or create a new account here.



You really need to read further.  Sure there are guidelines.  However, further in the documents it explains in great detail that display of data is solely up to the service.  Trust me, you aren't going to win this one.  We have a poster who is an actual Sonos SMAPI developer, with years of experience, who has confirmed who and what is the responsibility of Sonos vs. the service.

@Bumper - So in your Recently played, you see the Apple Music account that the playlist or track was played from? If so, then I would like a Sonos Dev to help explain what is missing from the Spotify side (given the information is clearly available within the UI).

For example, when I click on the playlist from Recently Played, and click the 3 dots menu at the top right, the “More” section of that sub-menu shows “Spotify (pmyUserNameHere])” Which means that data is already associated with it.

I just checked and I was wrong it does not correctly display in Recently Played (had to add a family member as they just cast, don’t use the all).

This is a Sonos part of the app, data from different services is displayed there so seems like a Sonos issue though right perhaps. 

We have a poster who is an actual Sonos SMAPI developer, with years of experience, who has confirmed who and what is the responsibility of Sonos vs. the service.

@jgatie - As I’ve stated above, I could be wrong as I’m not a Sonos SMAPI dev, however, as a dev myself, and looking at the API integration - it does show the data I’m asking for is currently a part of the Sonos SMAPI, and is being supplied by Spotify. This information is also displayed in the Sonos app right now - just not in all the areas it should for a better and more friendly user experience. I would love to hear from this dev to confirm or deny my assumption based on the API documents.

We have a poster who is an actual Sonos SMAPI developer, with years of experience, who has confirmed who and what is the responsibility of Sonos vs. the service.

@jgatie - As I’ve stated above, I could be wrong as I’m not a Sonos SMAPI dev, however, as a dev myself, and looking at the API integration - it does show the data I’m asking for is currently a part of the Sonos SMAPI, and is being supplied by Spotify. This information is also displayed in the Sonos app right now - just not in all the areas it should for a better and more friendly user experience. I would love to hear from this dev to confirm or deny my assumption based on the API documents.


It’s been stated many times, how and where the data is displayed is a Spotify issue.  Besides basic guidelines, Sonos allows the services to determine the look and feel of their Sonos implementations.  The developer’s name is @controlav, and they will confirm my statements, as they have many times in the past. 

In this specific case the Sonos app could display exactly which account is being used for a stream, but only if the stream was started from a Sonos app. If a stream is started from the Spotify app, the url will be lacking the id that is required to determine which account was being used.

My own Sonos apps do not do this, they display the generic account name (eg “Spotify”), but next time I update it I’ll see about putting the account nickname in there, as I already do when browsing.

On catching up with this thread after some coffee, my reply above is purely for the Now Playing screen which could show which account the stream came from.

The OP was asking about the Recently Played data, and that is a whole other ballgame which will take me longer to dig into. More coffee, and I’m on it.

On catching up with this thread after some coffee, my reply above is purely for the Now Playing screen which could show which account the stream came from.

The OP was asking about the Recently Played data, and that is a whole other ballgame which will take me longer to dig into. More coffee, and I’m on it.

Will be interested to read your response. 

I noticed yesterday that with Apple Music, the recently played list in Sonos shows the account that played an album (albeit you need to find it: Recently Played item > context menu > more) - but not apple or personal playlists. 

Ok so I hacked this up just now, and yes. the Recently Played data does include the necessary data to show which account was used. My test involved a playlist from mine and my wife’s Spotify account:

Unreleased version of Phonos Universal


@controlav Wow, thank you for taking the time to read through AND provide a prototype as proof of concept! This is exactly what I was looking for. 

To have the ability to look at the recently played (and/or) Now playing source and user profile name (while played via the Sonos app) is exactly what I was hoping for!

This will solve our accidental streams from each other’s accounts. 


@Corry P - do you or any other Sonos staff think this feature could be added to the S2 app, given @controlav has confirmed the feature is doable with the current SMAPI? 🙏

Sonos’ earlier point was that it is on Spotify to ad this, as they do not touch this part of the app. The proof of concept @controlav made could mean Sonos could do this. The terms of their SMAPI could mean they should not be the one to do this.

Hi @sixoversix 

@Corry P - do you or any other Sonos staff think this feature could be added to the S2 app, given @controlav has confirmed the feature is doable with the current SMAPI? 🙏

Sonos’ earlier point was that it is on Spotify to ad this, as they do not touch this part of the app. The proof of concept @controlav made could mean Sonos could do this. The terms of their SMAPI could mean they should not be the one to do this.

To be honest, I’m not sure - although Spotify is responsible for what you see in the Spotify container within the Sonos app, the My Sonos section (and thus Recently Played) is not within the Spotify container, therefore I’m not convinced that Spotify is responsible for what’s seen there.

I will mark this thread as a feature request so that it is seen by the relevant teams for consideration.


Hi @Corry P,

Thanks for a quick reply! I agree that because it’s in the Spotify Recently Played and My Sonos section - this data is already supplied by Spotify. 

Furthermore, when you click on a Recently played track or playlist from a Spotify source and you use the “ellipse” menu > “More” in the pop up context menu, you get meta details about the item - including the username of the source.