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I came to the forums looking for a solution as to why I’ve lost access to my music library to see others are asking the same.  WTF are you thinking or not testing?  What a spectacular own goal.  If this isn’t corrected in the coming days, not weeks, Sonos will be gone from my home; I’m actively seeking an alternative already.

It’s coming back…

I had some time earlier this week to investigate the issue and spent around an hour fixing the access to My Music Library.  I’m using Windows 11 Pro (and an iPhone/iPad) so the instructions here are based on Windows 11 (Windows 10 would be near identical):

  1.  Enable SMBv2 in Windows.  It isn’t enabled by default.  Instructions HERE.
  2.  Add your Music Library using the ‘Networked device (ex. NAS drive)’ option.  This was the only option that would work for me.  You need the path of your music library folder which you can get by right clicking on the music library folder, then selecting ‘Properties’ and then the ‘Sharing’ tab.  Copy the ‘Network Path.’
  3. From the Sharing tab select share and ensure the folder is shared.  Also ensure that your account is listed in the area ‘Choose people to share with.’  If it isn’t select ‘Add’ and follow the prompts to add your Windows account credentials. 
  4. Open the Windows Sonos app. Select ‘Manage,’ then ‘Music Library Settings,’ then ‘Add.’  Select ‘Networked device (ex. NAS drive) and paste the network path you copied earlier.  Select next and enter your Windows credentials. NB. If you now sign into Windows using the PIN method you need to enter your previous Windows password.