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14.15 update is out.. let me know what it does. dont want any more disappointments

  • Headliner III
  • 432 replies

Won’t update till I know if it fixed the issues at hand already.

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24 replies

  • Prodigy III
  • 566 replies
  • September 13, 2022

It just let's you add the sub mini no fixes 

I moved to 14.15 yesterday.  Since then... problems.

My TV (Samsung QLED) no longer recognises Sonos Arc.  HDMI port just shows ‘Unknown Device’.  Power cycling, removing other HDMI, etc. does not not resolve this.

Instead of HDMI/eARC I now have to use the ‘optical’ output to send audio to my Arc - which is pretty weird seeing as there’s no optical cable installed. But if I select this and switch eARC and CEC on/off a few times I can get a 5.1 signal to the Arc from the TV.  Confusing and unintuitive. 

I have yet to contact Sonos or Samsung support but that is the next step. 

My sub sounds almost inaudible compared to how it used to be…

Overall, pretty frustrating… 

  • Headliner I
  • 268 replies
  • September 15, 2022
Dogdad wrote:

Won’t update till I know if it fixed the issues at hand already.

Didn't change or break anything for me

  • 19684 replies
  • September 15, 2022

@philosopher1978 . You may want to contact Sonos Support about your issues, which are almost certainly specific to your system and nothing to do with the update. 

14.15 was an app update only and didn't touch the system. 

  • 19684 replies
  • September 15, 2022
Dogdad wrote:

Won’t update till I know if it fixed the issues at hand already.

It's an app update only. 

  • Author
  • Headliner III
  • 432 replies
  • September 15, 2022
John B wrote:
Dogdad wrote:

Won’t update till I know if it fixed the issues at hand already.

It's an app update only. 

Really???? Found out days ago. You’re late. And supposedly is for the sub mini.

Dogdad wrote:
John B wrote:
Dogdad wrote:

Won’t update till I know if it fixed the issues at hand already.

It's an app update only. 

Really???? Found out days ago. You’re late. And supposedly is for the sub mini.

Yes, but @John B is correct there was no firmware update for current products, so it was perhaps clear it wasn’t a fix for existing hardware, as just the App itself was updated. It’s unlikely the cause of @philosopher1978 reported issue above… just coincidental I would say, IMHO.

Mr. T
  • Enthusiast II
  • 1360 replies
  • September 15, 2022
Dogdad wrote:
John B wrote:
Dogdad wrote:

Won’t update till I know if it fixed the issues at hand already.

It's an app update only. 

Really???? Found out days ago. You’re late. And supposedly is for the sub mini.

14.14 brought software support for the sub mini so 14.15 just the standard bug fixes and performance improvements, especially as the new iOS was just launched.

  • 19684 replies
  • September 15, 2022

@Dogdad . Better late than wrong. But I was on the thread initially to respond to @philosopher1978 's recent post.

  • 1767 replies
  • September 15, 2022

The release notes for s2 only go up to 14.14 on the website. Is there another place to look for the notes?

  • 19684 replies
  • September 15, 2022

It may be that they don't bother with an app only update.  The system is still on 14.14.

  • 1767 replies
  • September 16, 2022

I wish they would provide more information with the updates so I could decide whether it’s worth it to update. The app release notes or ridiculous  


I think I will turn off updates for now and fall back three or four update cycles to mitigate risk of catching a bug on update. 



  • Author
  • Headliner III
  • 432 replies
  • September 16, 2022
Bumper wrote:

I wish they would provide more information with the updates so I could decide whether it’s worth it to update. The app release notes or ridiculous  


I think I will turn off updates for now and fall back three or four update cycles to mitigate risk of catching a bug on update. 



And how do you plan on “ falling back” ?

  • 1767 replies
  • September 16, 2022

Fall back as in run my system three or four updates behind the current release. 

  • Lead Maestro
  • 11223 replies
  • September 16, 2022
Bumper wrote:

Fall back as in run my system three or four updates behind the current release. 


  • Author
  • Headliner III
  • 432 replies
  • September 16, 2022
Bumper wrote:

Fall back as in run my system three or four updates behind the current release. 

You’re not saying his you plan on doing it.. and I doubt you can. 

  • 19684 replies
  • September 16, 2022
Dogdad wrote:
Bumper wrote:

Fall back as in run my system three or four updates behind the current release. 

You’re not saying his you plan on doing it.. and I doubt you can. 

I think your doubts are well-founded.

@Bumper - with automatic updates turned off, your choice at each update is to stay where you are or update to the latest version, so you can’t stay permanently 3 or 4 behind.  If you decide not to update your system for a while, you will need to stop automatic app updates in whichever app store you use.  Most Sonos updates consist of an app update and a system update.  If the app update goes through but the system update doesn’t, the app will nag you and you may lose some functionality.


  • 9859 replies
  • September 16, 2022
John B wrote:
Dogdad wrote:
Bumper wrote:

Fall back as in run my system three or four updates behind the current release. 

You’re not saying his you plan on doing it.. and I doubt you can. 

I think your doubts are well-founded.

@Bumper - with automatic updates turned off, your choice at each update is to stay where you are or update to the latest version, so you can’t stay permanently 3 or 4 behind.  


As well, there will come a point where you are too far behind and you can’t update from your version to the latest.  When that happens you’ll have to contact support to do  incremental version updates for you (or however they resolve the issue).  And of course, if you aren’t on the latest version, the first thing Sonos will require if you have an issue is that you first update.

Maybe not concerns for you, but definiltely things to consider with your update strategy.


  • 1767 replies
  • September 16, 2022

You guys are way over thinking this 😀. I’m just thinking I’ll not update after a big update and wait for a few “bug fixes” only updates to go through before updating and then rinse and repeat. 

I’ve been running auto updates but Sonos has shown they are not testing or not testing adequately and for me this seems like a good way to reduce my exposure. YMMV.


  • 9859 replies
  • September 16, 2022
Bumper wrote:

You guys are way over thinking this. I’m just thinking I’ll not update after a big update and wait for a few “bug fixes” only updates to go through before updating and then rinse and repeat. 



That’s different from what you originally stated, which was always remaining 3-4 releases back. 

Also, I don’t recall a case where significant bugs from a release were not discovered till several releases later.  In fact, I would say it’s going to be reported on these forums within 24 hours or so.  Waiting a week or so to be aware of issues should be more then enough, and then decide whether to update now or wait for the next release.   What you see in bug fixes are usual very minor stuff that only occur in rare situations, and probably already exist in the version we’re currently using anyway.



  • 19684 replies
  • September 16, 2022

In 11 years of using Sonos I am yet to experience any problems as a result of a bug. I shall continue to update without losing a second's sleep.

The bug fixes referred to in every update, as @melvimbe says, probably deal with combinations of circumstances that are extremely rare. Which is why they get fixed without any of us noticing they exist.

(Luckily, I have only Android devices so cannot Trueplay. So, not knowing what I am missing, my Arc HT system sounds to me exactly how it has done since I bought it, I.e. brilliant. )

  • 1767 replies
  • September 16, 2022

I said I would “fall back three or four releases behind the current release”. There’s no way to apply a specific update that I know of. I’m not never going to update but updating on a minor release seems safer to me. But maybe I’m wrong. 🤷‍♀️
I hope that most people keep auto updating so  I’ll know when I’m good to update  😀

  • 1767 replies
  • September 16, 2022
John B wrote:

In 11 years of using Sonos I am yet to experience any problems as a result of a bug. I shall continue to update without losing a second's sleep.

The bug fixes referred to in every update, as @melvimbe says, probably deal with combinations of circumstances that are extremely rare. Which is why they get fixed without any of us noticing they exist.

(Luckily, I have only Android devices so cannot Trueplay. So, not knowing what I am missing, my Arc HT system sounds to me exactly how it has done since I bought it, which is brilliant. )

I was of the same opinion as you as far as updates go. I’m glad you still trust them, I’ll let you go first. 

Many thanks to those who responded to my post!  I have just managed to resolve the issue after online chat with Samsung and factory reset of my TV.

The issue seems to have been software fault with the HDMI port(s).

Perhaps it was a coincidence that this started immediately after updating to 14.15, as others have suggested. 

After remote support rebooted the HDMI software I performed a factory reset.  During the setup phase the TV could detect that something was plugged into the eARC HDMI but kept providing an error message because it thought there was no power to the Arc.  (My PS5 was detected without issue.)

During this phase I was able to use the Sonos app to setup the TV, which I was unable to do before as the Arc could not detect the TV.  But the TV could not detect the Arc as a sound receiver.

Once setup was complete the Arc appeared in the list of sources and HDMI appeared as an option for sound output again.  Tested Atmos content from streaming apps and it was fine, so happy days.

If anyone else is having issues with a 2020 QLED and Sonos Arc I suggest following these steps.  The factory reset might be enough on its own, but if this does not work then contact Samsung and ask to have the HDMI ports remotely reset.

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