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Feature Request - System Restart In-App

I built a home and installed a rather large and complex Sonos system. I have ARC +Sub, Beam +Sub, three Amps driving 12 Architectural speakers in different areas of the house, Sonos Port to send Bluetooth signal to my hot tub, plus two Roams that move around. My wife starts off our morning using the Alarm feature, and the system is used all-day long and through the evening when I finish work and get home. Basically, the the system runs 0630 to 2300 every day (over 16 hours). 

You will see that when I built the house, I installed the Arc and Beam the way they were intended to be mounted (see photos), and all three Amps and the Port are installed in hidden compartments in closets so that you never see them. The Arc, Beam, and all three Amps have Gigabit Ethernet running to them, and have Wi-Fi enabled.  WiFi is 5GHz in an AI Mesh system with three different access points in the mesh (Asus Routers with Gigabit Ethernet backhaul between all mesh points). 

We use the Sonos S2 app on multiple Android Phones, an iPad Pro, and the PC version installed on three different laptops and an i9 powered desktop. The app on multiple different operating systems is remarkably well behaved.

While this system behaves exceptionally well, about every 6 weeks, some small bug will creep up. Sometimes it may be a small delay when grouping speakers. Sometimes the Sub in the bedroom will lose its connection (it is under the bed so it can’t be seen). Sometimes one of the zones serviced by an Amp will lose sound for 2 or 3 seconds, then start working again. Nothing is a big deal or game-stopper that prevents real enjoyment of the system. However, consider that all this gear cost about $7,500, and that is just the gear as I did all of the wiring and installation.

Current fix is to flip the circuit breakers in the electrical panel that service all these devices. That is easy for the Arc, Beam, and Port, but the Amps are on a Uninterruptible Power Supply / Power Conditioner, so that requires that I get a ladder to reset that power supply, and the Roams of course have their own battery, so those require a power button restart.  When I do this, I also restart all of the network gear as well (which I can do from a command line).

I would like to see an option to send a full reboot command to all devices. It seems logical to have this in “System → System Settings → System Update”, and put the button under the “Check for Updates” button.  If there is some concern about having this, perhaps hide it with a “PowerUser” type command required to unhide. Something like how Android does by requiring you to click on System → Settings → About Phone seven times to unlock Developer mode.  

I see this has been requested multiple times in the community but all of those previous threads have comments closed. Can someone please put this into your update considerations?


Sonos Arc installed so you cannot easily just “unplug” it.
Sonos Beam installed so that you cannot just easily “unplug” it.


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11 replies

  • 9855 replies
  • February 16, 2023

 I could be misremembering, but I believe this was possible via command line years ago.  Maybe that was just diagnostics.  I believe there were some security concerns with that. 

One possible work around would be use smart plugs so that you can cut power remotely if you need to.   It wouldn’t help with the Roam though, for obvious reasons.

Belly M
  • 1747 replies
  • February 16, 2023

Yes there was a reboot option via URL, it was a very handy function. Bluesound have a reboot option in the app, so this is how Sonos should reintroduce it especially if they want to sell to system integrators more.

  • Author
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  • 4 replies
  • February 16, 2023
melvimbe wrote:

 I could be misremembering, but I believe this was possible via command line years ago.  Maybe that was just diagnostics.  I believe there were some security concerns with that. 

One possible work around would be use smart plugs so that you can cut power remotely if you need to.   It wouldn’t help with the Roam though, for obvious reasons.

Yeah, I saw a lot of the comments about the URL that would get you to the device over web browser, but I verified that is no longer available, at least on all my gear. 

Smart plug dongle would work for those Amps, would just have to put them on the backside of the UPS/Power Conditioner.

Belly M wrote:

Yes there was a reboot option via URL, it was a very handy function. Bluesound have a reboot option in the app, so this is how Sonos should reintroduce it especially if they want to sell to system integrators more.

Yes, I could see this as a big assistance for system integrators. In my case, I was pretty much working as my own systems integrator. There were times during the setup where I needed to just be able to “restart everything”, and once everything was in-its-place, that was a real pain to do, especially if I had other trades at the house and I couldn’t just flip circuit breakers.  Of all the cool things Sonos has been able to do with their app and supporting multiple operating systems, this really seems like a no-brainer.  If they wanted to limit access to the feature, easy enough to “hide” it as I mentioned about the Android Developer access to the O/S.


  • 23889 replies
  • February 16, 2023

I miss the reboot URL too, however, If you need to reboot in order to get a unit back online, a reboot URL is useless.

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  • February 17, 2023
buzz wrote:

I miss the reboot URL too, however, If you need to reboot in order to get a unit back online, a reboot URL is useless.

Agree with this, but I haven’t had a case where my units actually have gone offline. Their integration may be a little slow or a drop in a few packets, which would allow for the URL to be hit and reboot command sent. But, you’re right...if something is hard offline, then a URL is useless. In that case, even if you issued a restart command from the app, it may not hit the device either. 

As a CIO for years, I defer to one of my Korean Engineers who had a really strong accent. This was back in the late 1990s as virtualization was just becoming commonplace. Was in the data center talking to another engineer. As this guy walked by, he looked at me and said in his strong accent, “Cycle power...hope for best”. I can still see him saying that.


  • Lead Maestro
  • 11223 replies
  • February 17, 2023

Digging about for remote switches the spouse wouldn’t call ugly I found there, $11 and multiple colors too.

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  • Contributor I
  • 4 replies
  • February 20, 2023

I get it...I could "rig" it with remote switches, but we aren't taking about Radio Shack grade gear that we are buying here. For the premium that this gear costs, I don't think that it is too much to ask that when the "community" of those of us committed to buying ask for a new feature that Sonos should step up and deliver for us. That is the Sonos opportunity to out-perform their competition. As a Chief Information Officer, this is where Sonos can either differentiate themselves from their competition, or be the same mediocre audio company like Bose. The the definition of "software defined" really is what Sonos is positioned to deliver. Why should we, the customers willing to give suggestions, settle for having to rig up features that are really what could make Sonos the top in the industry. Is it another illustration of, "so close...yet so far"?

  • Lead Maestro
  • 11223 replies
  • February 20, 2023

This is not asking for a new feature but one back that Sonos took away.

Yes the switch option sucks but it beats waiting several more years in hopes that we get our reset screen back.

Don’t even get me started on the internal data access they took away from us.

  • Author
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  • 4 replies
  • April 4, 2023

Trying to keep this thread alive and see if anyone actually reads these items from Sonos. I haven’t seen a “request received”, a “working on it”, or a “just screw off, we don’t care” reply from anyone. Knock, Knock - anyone from Sonos there?

  • 42549 replies
  • April 4, 2023

It’s been requested before. So far, we’ve not seen any indication that it’s on the list of things that they’d want to put back in place. And the fact that we’ve all responded to you marks the thread as having gotten some feedback, Sonos doesn’t have the manpower, I think, to respond to every thread, but I’d be willing to bet that if they were, you’d get the standard “we will pass this feedback on to the development team for consideration”. 

I am in favor of this request, personally, although at this point there’s less of a reason in my set up for it to be needed, but I don’t have any objection to it, either :) 

Corry P
  • Sonos Staff
  • 8526 replies
  • April 5, 2023

Hi @SpencerH 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

Thank you - I've marked this thread as a feature request and it will be seen by the relevant teams for consideration. Keep the ideas coming!

We don’t normally respond on a thread until activity on it has died down, but the thread has been tagged as a feature request since day one.

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