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wifi isn’t connected

Since moving to the new Sonos app I regularly get a message on my iPhone telling me that “wifi isn’t connected” when I try to use the app. Wifi however is connected and the system can be turned on through other phones (which also randomly get this problem at different times). 
The solution currently is to wait for a random length of time….. seconds to an hour….. before the app decides to connect me to my system. 
The previous app was rock solid for wifi connection. This app is really flakey. 
Does anyone have a solution or share this problem?

10 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @asknrobson 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

Sorry to hear of the issue you’ve been having with the Sonos app reporting that your phone is not connected to WiFi when it is. I’d like to look into this for you - could you please take a screenshot of this message the next time you see it and post it here? Please also submit a support diagnostic, from the Sonos app before the app eventually connects to your system, and once more afterwards. Please let me know when you have done so, but please don’t share the given numbers here - I’ll find the diagnostics without.

Thanks - I look forward to hearing back from you.

I can’t run system diagnostics when I’m not connected to a system. I move between different wifi systems regularly. In the previous app it immediately knew and connected seamlessly. Now it never connects automatically and sometimes can’t find the system at all. Then a few minutes or hours later it finds the system.

The attached screenshots show that the app says there’s no system on my network then says I can connect to a system on the same network???


Diagnostics sent. 

*Moderator Note: diagnostic number removed.*

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @asknrobson 

OK, I understand things a little better now - thanks for the screenshots. The app is not saying that you are not connected to WiFi - it is saying that it cannot connect to the Sonos system on that WiFi, which is a more common issue - I hadn’t heard of the app saying that the phone wasn’t connected to WiFi when it was.

I do see this issue myself from time to time, but I can usually fix it by force-closing the app and opening it again:

How to force quit an app on iPhone, iPad:


  1. Swipe up from the bottom of the device. If your device has a home button, double press that instead.
  2. This will bring up a carousel of all the open windows on your device.
  3. Swipe the app you want to close. It will disappear from the carousel.
  4. Reopen the app.
How to force quit an app on Android:


  1. Open the Settings app on the Android device.
  2. Scroll the list and tap Apps, Applications or Manage apps.
  3. Scroll the list to find the app to force quit.
  4. Tap FORCE STOP.
  5. OR (optional) On certain devices like Samsung, tap Application Manager (the button to the left of the Home button), then swipe Sonos app up and off screen

If this does not work, please try a reboot of your router - switch the router off for at least 30 seconds when no-one is using the internet. It will usually take about 4 minutes for the router to boot up again, and another minute or so for devices to connect. I recommend doing this several times a year even if you do not see any issues.

It’s possible that resetting the app will help too, but I find this less likely. It’s still worth trying if other steps do not help: User icon » App Preferences » Reset app > Reset. Afterwards, reopen the app and connect.

Looking at your diagnostics, however, I am concerned that in the 19 days your speakers have been powered on for, they have reported losing connection to your router 27 times each! Do you turn your router off every single night? If not, what devices are within 1m of your router, please? And, can you move any of them so that they are more than 1m from it? Do you see other devices disconnecting from your router with such regularity? If so, it may be time for a replacement router.

I hope this helps.

The screenshots I sent were of the most common problem, not the worst which is the system can’t be found at all by at least one of the phones connected to the same wifi. I’ve been travelling for a month so haven’t had this joy for a while. 

And closing and opening app’s is something I know how to do but really? Every time we move between different wifi and Sonos systems we need to do this? And as a note this doesn’t always work straight away either. It can still sometimes take an hour or more before the app says there is a Sonos system on the same wifi as my phone.

In the previous Sonos app I moved between my different wifi and Sonos systems seamlessly. Now every time my family changes location is the recommended solution that we should close the app and restart it? Even though we never needed to do this before. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @asknrobson 

I never said it was ideal - just that it might help. It seemed better than just saying “yeah, we know about that” and leaving you to it, no?

On my system, reopening the app does work reliably (a strange choice of word considering what’s happening, sure). If it doesn’t work on yours, please try the other steps I suggested.

However, I would like to draw your attention once more to my last statement:

Looking at your diagnostics, however, I am concerned that in the 19 days your speakers have been powered on for, they have reported losing connection to your router 27 times each! Do you turn your router off every single night? If not, what devices are within 1m of your router, please? And, can you move any of them so that they are more than 1m from it? Do you see other devices disconnecting from your router with such regularity? If so, it may be time for a replacement router.

Now, it is possible that the disconnects that I see in the diagnostics are not the cause of the issue you are having, but I’d definitely want to clear that issue as a) it definitely won’t be helping and b) it’s much easier to diagnose one issue when there isn’t another concurrent issue with the same symptoms.

As a result, I highly recommend you get in touch with our technical support team for further assistance.


The disconnection frequency is an interesting observation. The router is never turned off and devices nearby (there isn’t any within at least 2m+) haven’t changed for years. Since the update we are having speakers randomly go “missing” from groups. Could be completely unrelated but the network mesh appears less stable than previous  

Also, we are having similar issues on our second system. The router there also always remains on, hasn’t moved for years, and there are no nearby devices. Devices go “missing” randomly there also. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

I know nothing about the innards of the new app but what I see here and part of that is a new discovery method for devices.

I’m seeing glitches at startup where nothing is found but it almost always clears up and things appear.

The only non-standard thing I’m doing is that I have static/reserved IPv4 addresses assigned, that solved a multitude of issues that were around before the new app appeared.


Looking back at Correy’s post, I noted his mention of force-close. I learned that there is a difference in force closing and the normal swipe it off the screen close that is not working for me. The Force-Close or what I was doing previously, rebooting the controller’s device did work.

Thanks. You’re correct that without exception this problem clears itself with time. Or perhaps with a hard close of the app. But never does a change in wifi and Sonos system location “just connect” as it did previously. 
The question/issue then is why does the system now require “time” just to find the Sonos system (not connect as it once did) when it previously worked so well without this need. The answer may well sit in IP address allocation or similar but the average user (which is the majority) shouldn’t be needing to employ solutions that extend to this level of functionality just to make the system work in a reasonable timeframe/way.
Something seems wrong in system architecture based simply on the fact that this problem didn’t previously exist. Ultimately these sort of problems find there way into tech reviews and articles and impact sales and damage brand, which seems avoidable and doesn’t reflect the sound quality of the product itself. Just the supporting systems. 
I’ll just sit patiently and watch and hope that things get better. I love the speaker sound but issues like these and in particular the disaster with the alarm functionality make it very frustrating to use. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @asknrobson 

In no way am I saying that the app does not have system discovery issues - I think it’s pretty clear even to those not experiencing it that others are having these issues.

Not everyone is affected, however, and as the difference between those who are affected and those who are not is not yet fully understood, we can but try what we can identify as a possible issue.

To be clear, the reason your speakers are disconnecting from your router on a daily basis has nothing to do with the new app - your phone could be shut down and this would still happen, therefore, in my mind, it is something that needs addressed.

The speakers are reporting WiFi deauthorisations, which some years ago meant that a router was trying to steer a speaker that had a 5GHz radio but did not want to use it for the WiFi connection onto 5GHz. As Sonos speakers now largely support 5GHz (Home Theatre primary devices do not), we shouldn’t be seeing this error. But, it’s possible that splitting your 2.4GHz and 5GHz signals into separate broadcasts if they are currently together may help, or the opposite - this is why I was suggesting that you call in. I’m also unfamiliar with routers from your region, but if you call in you should get in touch with an agent who is familiar - there may be a simple setting change that will help.

You are of course free to just wait and see - but I can promise that no future app updates will alter the behaviour I see reported in the diagnostics.

I hope this helps.
