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When S2 came out, we all had the option to switch over straight away or to wait until we were confident it would work with our systems. I stayed on S1 for about six months, and still have a 4-box system on S1. I was cautious as I have spent a lot of money on Sonos equipment at multiple locations and did not want to have basic capabilities bricked by a bad update only to be told by support to be patient and my needs were rare.

So can Sonos tell us why that was not the approach this time for “S3”? Mixing S2 and S3 controllers on a single system works Just Fine so why didn’t Sonos make this new Alpha-quality app an option (at least initially) and leave its customers to make the decision for themselves when to switch? With basic core capabilities like Play-Next, Add-To-Queue, Sleep timers and Library searching removed, the new app was sure to be unpopular with loyal customers so making it mandatory seems a very strange choice.

So, @Corry P , @Keith N@Marco.B  and other staffers - can you get one of your communications people to explain to us why this fundamental disrespect to those of us with big systems and big music libraries has happened, and whether you will re-release v16.1 quickly for us (even as a temporary legacy app) to dig us out of the hole you have made?

You had the choice to not upgrade, surely?

You had the choice to not upgrade, surely?

No, my phone is set to auto-upgrade and there was no warning. I just woke up to find the new app was there and the core capabilities I use were gone. We’re an all-Chromebook household so no-one has anything but the Android app.

But that’s beside the point. Sonos is not intending anyone to escape this update.

You had the choice to not upgrade, surely?

The email from Sonos a few weeks back said this…

All lies...


Your questions answered

Is this a new app to download?


No, this is an update to the existing Sonos app.


How will this affect my system?


We've taken great care to ensure that this update only enhances your Sonos experience. Your products, features and services will work as they always have, and all your settings will be saved.

As you mentioned. If they created an S3 app and maintained the old S2 app they could have avoided this user backlash. Instead they've released an MVP app to a loyal customer base and removed a ton of important features in the process without giving the option to revert back.

Next they'll be wanting us to buy their new headphones!

Well, like a lot of long term Sonos customers I won't be buying anymore Sonos products!

"We've taken great care to ensure that this update only enhances your Sonos experience. Your products, features and services will work as they always have, and all your settings will be saved."


😂😂😂 🔥🔥🔥

I’m currently in S1 mode with Beam and 2 Move speakers. What proceed dure will I need to do to jump forward to S2 with these? I had to change them from S2 initially to S1 compatible. 

"We've taken great care to ensure that this update only enhances your Sonos experience. Your products, features and services will work as they always have, and all your settings will be saved."


😂😂😂 🔥🔥🔥


Sorry still BETA version at best

Bro it’s alpha at best. Alpha

We’ve taken care to make sure you maintain brand loyalty by making your system is unusable in the hope that you upgrade for our shareholders. 

I am in violent agreement with everyone on this thread.

Worth noting that the ‘S2’ rollout was reasonably f—d up initially. The rollout was basically “all of your older Sonos gear is dead to us, here’s a 30% upgrade discount for your loyalty.” Only AFTER waves of feedback did Sonos change tact and launch distinct S2 and S1 apps. Do correct me if my memory fails.

I mention the above NOT to correct anyone, rather to point out that we (the user base) need to drive for an S3, S2, S1 solution. If Sonos truly believe in S3, well, then everyone will gravitate to the new redesign. Those of us (cough, local library users, cough) missing core functionality would use the legacy S2 app, until said functionality arrives in the shiny utopian S3 app. This is blindingly optimal.