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WhenI use the Sonos app to search Tidal for an artist and then select artist radio, there is no play function. There is on the iOS app on my computer, just not on the app. Is this being addressed?

Hello ​@rniederb1, welcome to the Sonos Community!

I am sorry to hear you are experiencing an issue while using Artist Radio on Tidal via the Sonos App.

I would need a little bit more information in order to attempt to reproduce.

There is on the iOS app on my computer, just not on the app.

Are you using an iOS or android device when this happens? Could you share a screenshot? Does it happen with a different controller (smartphone/tablet)?

Make sure that your Sonos App is on the latest version: Sonos Downloads.

You can also send me a private message with the diagnostic number and I will try to reproduce this. Here is how to Submit Diagnostics via the Sonos App.

Another thing you can do is reach out to our Support Team for some live troubleshooting. They have tools at their disposal to provide you with advice and information, specific to your system and what it reports.

I hope this helps.

I am using a Mac and the play command is available when choosing artist radio. On my iPhone using the Sonos App the play option doesn’t appear. You have to play each song individually.


This is a known problem with the app since last year’s update. I have added a reddit thread for additional support to the amount of users that wish they could play the artist radio:

