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I have listened to radio stations of YLE in Finland ( under myTuner). Could do this 20th in the morning,

but late in the afternoon  these stopped to work.  What has happened? Some other local stations as well as the Swedish radio work normally.

I’m encountering the same problem. None of the stations played by MyTuner radio don’t work.

Did you ask YLE if anything has changed?

Hey @Jukka Hautala, welcome to the community.


We’re aware of the issues affecting Yle group stations causing them to not being able to play via certain radio services.

The Finnish radio group Yle announced in a public FAQ (Finnish only) that they had switched from the WMA format to the AAC format via ICY distribution.

The change, which took place on March 10, 2021, causes that outdated entries for radio aggregators like myTuner Radio and lead to playback errors on Sonos.

Radio aggregators like TuneIn (incl. Sonos Radio) and Global Player are not affected as they do only offer a single station from Yle which is functional: Yle Klassinen.

We are working with our partners to get an updated radio station catalog but have no further information to share at this time.



This is now more than annoying. I have mostly just been listening to YLE Radio1 with my system and as I wrote , the channels under MyTuner, stopped working in the course of the day on March 20th.

As for YLE stations under TuneIn:  these have not been available for a longer time already and that is why I changed to MyTuner.

I urge you to act rapidly with this issue to solve any problems of this character as they will soon discourage people to invest in Sonos systems and components.

Looking forward to hear from you soonest.

Jukka Hautala

I second this. Annoyiong to see yet another radio service not working through Sonos.

I had already placed an order for an Arc and a Sub to expand my existing Sonos system, but canceled the order. Maybe better to sit back and see if the issue is dealt with as listening to radio is an essential part of my Sonos use.

Since this issue was with the aggregators, and not an issue with the Sonos system, it seems odd that you canceled your Sonos. You should be canceling MyTuner and

Hi Bruce,

Comes down to the basic thing, that from myTuner on iOS I still can listen to the radio channels… The issue is that they don’t work through Sonos. 

I don't claim that it is Sonos fault that it doesn't work, but no point in me buying products that don’t work as I’d like them to.

And, I assume that Sonos as a company is far better equipped to solve an issue that their great products are loosing features than a single consumer.


EDIT: And the issue seems to be fixed….😀

Again, by the content providers fixing their issues with the stream. Perhaps with some nudging by Sonos, but at the end of the day, Sonos is essentially a TV set for the ears.

You wouldn’t complain to LG or Samsung about the content of HBO, the TV just carries the signal sent by someone else. Much the same with Sonos. They’re told by the aggregators what servers to point their software at, and they do that. It’s the responsibility of content provider, not Sonos or the aggregator,  to ensure that the stream is in a format that Sonos can read.

Again, but I wouldn't buy a TV set that I couldn't watch the channels I would want to either. I would go for a set that I could. Plain and simple.

As I said, I know that it isn't Sonos fault that the format changes, but me buying a device that doesn't work, doesn't solve the issue. I can basically only wait for Sonos to find an alternative solution or for them to influence the party causing the problem on their devices.

And as of yesterday the channels work again, so somebody solved the issue...


Hey folks,


Can you please confirm which Yle stations are working for you now that were not previously? We know of some stations that have come back to life but there are many more that have not.


Hello James,

Tested these YLE channels. Works now for some of these. Listening to these channels works for me with myTuner & Sonos.


The ones I can't get working are YLE Vega and its local sub-channels. All of the other YLE channels seem to work as I tested.

Hi! I now have my favourite stations of YLE in myTuner again: YLE radio 1, radio Suomi, Yle X, YLE Vega, but not YLE Puhe. 

Cheers Jukka

Thanks for following up!


The ones we’ve confirmed as working through MyTunerRadio so far through internal testing are the following:

Yle Klassinen
Yle Puhe
Yle Radio 1
Yle Radio Kotka
Yle Radio Pori
Yle Radio Rovaniemi
Yle Radio Suomi
Yle Radio Suomi Helsinki
Yle Radio Suomi Kuopolo
Yle Radio Vega Åboland
Yle Tampereen Radio
Yle X3M


Please let us know if you find any more that are working now that were not previously that are not included on this list.

Hello James,


These work too:

Yle Vega

Yle Vega Östnyland

Yle Vega Österbotten


This one doesn't yet:

Yle Vega Västnyland 


