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I cannot connect to Sveriges Radio P1 on my Sonos 1 based system. Any known issues?

Hello ​@fredlar, welcome to the Sonos Community!

I am sorry to hear you are experiencing an issue playing the Sveriges Radio P1 station on your Sonos System.

I was able to play that radio station using the myTuner Radio service via the Sonos App. What radio service are you using? Are you able to play a different radio station?

I would suggest a network connection refresh by rebooting all network devices involved starting with your Router → Sonos → Controller (smartphone/tablet).

If you are still unable to listen to Sveriges Radio P1, I would recommend you Submit Diagnostics within 10 minutes of trying and failing and then reach out to our Support Team for some live troubleshooting.

I hope this helps.

Hej Hej

Thanks  will try! One check: do you have the Sonos 1 or Sonos 2 app? I have the Sonos 1.…



I have the exactly same issue. Reboot has not fixed the issue unfortunately. Any other advice?

In Swedish but check out here and it worked with using the Beta in the app ;-)
