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Hi, I am actively engaged with sonos support, but figured I’d ask around to see if anyone else is experiencing this too.

I have a large system, which includes Play1’s, Play3’s, a Play5, a Beam, some One SL’s, and a Move. I also run two Boosts.

Everything has been S2 for some time now and worked great. Last week I started seeing some of the play1’s say incompatible. I spent a couple hours on the phone with sonos support earlier in the week and resolved by factory resetting all of them. Worked a few days, then started again today, same problems.

Worked with support and we managed to get them all working again, this time without factory resets, and the stereo paring went through a few hiccups but ultimately worked.


I run Unifi gear and am well aware of what that involves and means and my configuration is highly tuned to be Sonos friendly, STP on the switches, nothing wired in except the boosts, etc. Lots of advanced settings on the AP’s to make sure everything is good to go. Used all the recommended guides and settings out there working through various ones until I found the right configuration which stabilized me for most of the last 2 years.


Anyone else recently experience any sudden incompatibility issues? Was there resolution or a cause identified? Once I get to that point with my own support case I will share here.

None with any of my multitude of PLAY:1s, but then I don’t run a Unifi network, either. 

Has there been a recent Ubiquiti update?

As a test, try reducing the SONOS wired connection count to one.

I should mention, the only wired devices are boosts. This is intentional. I have no way of running ethernet to every single speaker so that will never be an option to wire them all. From what I understand it’s generally wire one or boosts, or wire nothing.

I’d try, at the least, wiring only one of the two BOOSTs. Which is what @buzz is saying. 

That creates additional problems when I attempt it. The play3’s connection strength goes above 70dbm

I have been pulling my hair out with the same issue. I have the unifi Machine, PDU, 24 port POE, mainly wireless w the exception of connect which sends signal to my backyard amps. Over the last few months, I’ve been losing play1s. 5 or 6 now won’t pair w the system. I’ve been through factory reset and lots of troubleshooting. 

my next step is to wire the speakers at least temporarily to see if they are missing an update. Maybe their update is preventing them to now connect to S2. 

I managed to solve the issue by adding a third boost to the system.


There is actually a ratio, I think it’s like 1 boost per 10 devices or so. I’m not sure it’s documented, but it’s real. I have 29 speakers and 3 boosts and all is right as rain now.

I love my Ubiquity gear, even more once I surrendered and moved my Sonos gear to SonosNet and off the Ubiquity AP.

Since you have a Move you can’t take my solution and remove the WiFi connection information from your Sonos. Having that gone and a wired at least one Sonos lets you completely divorce your Ubiquity and Sonos gear.

I tried a lot of different things, Boost, no Boost but other wired Sonos and where I am now, no Boost and multiple wired Sonos. Once I wired multiple Sonos nothing was connecting to the Boost as other gear had a better signal so I put it away.

You might consider removing the Roam and then removing the WiFi information just to see how that goes.

I can imagine that the limit is topology and activity sensitive. The BOOST’s are not real fast and large Groups might saturate a path with marginal connectivity.

Go to http://[ip address of player, not boost]:1400/support/review. At the bottom, look at the Network Matrix. Red cells indicate connections that are struggling. Note that the utility of this matrix is waning because the latest units will not report their data here. Also, this is a static view. Refresh the page in order to display current data.

That matrix also shows which device is talking to which. That is where I saw my Boost wasn’t being used.