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Stability of new app worse than before?

I have struggled to navigate the UI of the new app over the past week.

Apart from losing functionality to add, edit or delete items in the queue, today the app itself started to die.

A slow death rattle.

Firstly unresponsive on the Android tablet it used to work fine on.

Then one of my paired stereo speakers died.

Then speakers in another room started playing.


Is this product still in Beta?

Can we revert back to a version that works?

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6 replies

Corry P
  • Sonos Staff
  • 8461 replies
  • May 31, 2024

Hi @ColinEM 

Welcome to the Sonos Community! And, apologies for the delay.

Please try the following when no-one in your home is using the internet:

  • Turn off your router.
  • Turn off/unplug all your Sonos speakers.
  • Restart your phone.
  • Turn on your router, wait for WiFi to return.
  • Turn on any Sonos devices that are connected to your network via Ethernet (if you have any). Wait for them to stop flashing a white light.
  • Turn on any Sonos sound-bars (or Amp) that have Surrounds or Subs. Wait for them to stop flashing a white light.
  • Turn on all remaining Sonos speakers/players.

If that has not helped, please try resetting the Sonos app - User settings (user icon, top right) » App Preferences » Reset app » Reset. Once done, reopen the Sonos app, Connect to an Existing System, and log in to your account. Try things out again.

I hope this helps.

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • May 31, 2024

Leider ist das neue App sehr schlecht bis sehr mühsam. Alles was vorher funktioniert hat stürzt immer ab. Und die Werbung wenn es nicht gerade am abstürzen ist nervt auch...  hat man doch einiges für die Geräte bezahlt... Schade das es so schlecht geworden ist.... wiso auch immer.…


Ich hoffe das es besser wird oder man auf ein app zugreifen kann wo es funktioniert hat…

Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz 

ivo iaiza


Moderator edit:
Google Translate-


Unfortunately, the new app is very bad and very tedious. Everything that worked before always crashes. And the advertising when it isn't crashing is also annoying... you paid a lot for the devices... It's a shame that it's gotten so bad... for whatever reason...

I hope it gets better or that you can access an app where it worked...

Best wishes from Switzerland

ivo iaiza

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • May 31, 2024

...der Übersetzer funktioniert auch nicht gut…


Moderator edit:
Google Translate-

...the translator doesn't work well either...

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • May 31, 2024

....alles sehr instabil.…


Moderator edit:
Google Translate-

....everything very unstable....

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • June 7, 2024

Totally agree with ColinEM

Lost functionality to add, edit or delete items in the queue.

I also had to delete and reconnect services to get them working at all  

Seriously - is this product still in Beta???

Can we revert back as som as possible to a version that works or can someone tell, when the application will be corrected to a more usefull lewel???

Is there a way to revert back to the old app until they iron out the kinks in this new monstrosity?  Music cuts off mid-stream, search latency is much greater, and it’s just generally not easy to use.  What a mess

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