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Spotify heart (liked) icon missing?

  • 8 December 2023
  • 5 replies


Is it me or is the heart icon missing from the controller when you play a liked track from Spotify? I don't see it in the Android nor in the desktop controller anymore.


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5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hello @SleepyRobot, welcome back!

I am primarily using Spotify with my Sonos system and I’ve also noticed the heart icon missing when playing my “liked" songs.

We do not have control over what features are available within the Sonos App when using other than Sonos-owned music services.

I would suggest reaching out to Spotify for the feature to come back, you have my +1 for this.

I hope this helps.

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

Thanks for the reply but how does one "reach out to Spotify” ? And why is this not something Sonos is doing? Why do users have to check what;s missing and then report it? 

Thanks for the reply but how does one "reach out to Spotify” ? And why is this not something Sonos is doing? Why do users have to check what;s missing and then report it? 


Sonos is not responsible for the UI for the music services.  It is the music services who implement their own UI via the Sonos API.  Sonos could not change it if they wanted to, which is why they recommend contacting the music service directly. 

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

Im not asking for Sonos to change it, i am asking for them to notice it and get into contact with their partner. 

I still have no idea hoe to contact Spotify

I would normally go to their website, where you set up a subscription, and look either for a forum, or a link at the bottom of the page that says ‘contact us’.