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I have my Sonos connected to a media library on my Synology NAS.  If I pause my playlist, when I restart it, if my Synology has gone into hibernation (which by default it does after 20 minutes) then the Sonos will try to restart where it left off only to not be able to connect (I assume because the NAS is in hibernation and is waking up).

So while the NAS comes back to life, Sonos moves merrily along trying each song and returning the ‘can’t connect’ error.  The result is that Sonos skips sometimes hundreds of songs before the NAS is out of hibernation.

I know I can turn off hibernation on the NAS as an option.

Question:  Is there a way to set Sonos to query the NAS and if it isn’t able to connect immediately that it will wait 10 seconds and then try again before moving onto the next song, especially on restart?  Failing that, does anyone have an easy way to ‘wake the NAS’ before restarting playback to avoid this?

Thank you.


Question 1: no, not in the Sonos software (’s an interesting request, though)

Question 2: just look at your playlist, and move it up and down before you restart playing. This will cause the Sonos controller to request an update to the images associated with each file, and should ‘kick start’ the NAS.

Not sure what benefit you’re getting from having your NAS sleeping. I’d be concerned about the ‘shock’ each time the drive has to spin up, rather than staying ‘on’ all the time. Although I’ll admit that’s a personal thing, I have never seen any numbers around heat cycling and spin up ‘shock’ as a reducing factor to life of a device. I know they’re bad, but is it .01% lifetime, or 3%? I should do some research. In my spare time ;)

I switched my Sonos library to a SSD to avoid the sleep/wake issues.


Aside from Bruce’s suggestion, possibly you could have another app on your controller access the NAS to wake it.

Thank you both for the quick replies.   For now I will remove the hibernation option on the NAS side.  It was driving me nuts every time I restarted a playlist it would skip so many songs….  Just too bad that Sonos doesn’t query the media source and if it isn’t there waits a few seconds before trying again as opposed to hitting it constantly until it gets a connection (or until it hits the end of the playlist)….


Thanks again!

It would be nice to see something added to the music library access to give you an option to poke and wake the NAS or at least a Wait/Retry option without the skipping we get now.