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Cannot connect multi room or stream music to multi rooms.  

Since I have updated to the new app, I have lost the ability to stram music to multiple rooms.  I can see all my devices, but once I select an additional speaker the app repons wit unable to connect, try again later.  

All speakers is on the same network and part of the same system.


Any help?


I agree - I do not like the new Sonos App. AT ALL. It is about as user friendly as a cornered rat. Massively over complex for my needs. Please bring back the old Sonos 2 App which worked perfectly,

That seems odd, I’m not experiencing this at all, I can group rooms at will. 

There are a couple of things I’d do. Since I’m not sure why you’re experiencing this condition, I’m not sure which would work.

First, I’d double check that all speakers are up to date, by checking for updates inside the controller. This will, I think, also check the controller itself, to ensure you have this week’s release. Second, I’d power cycle all speakers, a simple (ish) process of merely unplugging the power from the wall for two minutes, then plugging it back in. Third, I’d reboot the router. 

If one of these doesn’t ‘fix’ the issue, I’d submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of experiencing this problem, and call Sonos Support to discuss it.

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your network and Sonos system.

Afternoon Bruce for the reply. Please advise how do I check the speakers are up to date and what is the controller? Also - I am experiencing the same issues as AldoRoss above - I can see all my speakers on my one system but cannot stream different music to different rooms and keep getting the message from the App “Unable to connect please try again later” - regards Mike Morfill

Having the same issue described in the original post. My Sonos speakers sound great but after spending an entire evening trying to add a 5 to my system some time ago and now the multi room acting up, I have to say I regret going down the Sonos route and am hesitant to buy any more speakers for my system. Spotify seems to work better at controlling the speakers than Sonos' own app. 

Afternoon Bruce for the reply. Please advise how do I check the speakers are up to date and what is the controller? Also - I am experiencing the same issues as AldoRoss above - I can see all my speakers on my one system but cannot stream different music to different rooms and keep getting the message from the App “Unable to connect please try again later” - regards Mike Morfill

@Mike Morfill The ‘controller’ is the app you use to control your Sonos system. I use a S2 iOS controller, mostly, the current version ( gear icon > manage > about your system ) is build version 80.02.04. If you then want to check for updates, you click on the gear icon > manage > system updates > check for updates. 

There is an FAQ for grouping rooms here

If you’re still experiencing difficulty, I’d recommend contacting Sonos Support, as outlined above, rather than attempting to get help through this community forum. 

Tried all of the above - didn’t work. Tried contacting Sonos support - nobody answered so I got fed up with waiting. I assume Sonos IT Dept is working night & day to fix the problem but I whatever they are doing isn’t working - in fact the abysmal current performance of my system is getting progressively worse each day. 😡😡😡😡😡

I can group rooms, and it works for a while...then various rooms stop playing music.  The only what I see to get them back playing is removing from the group and re-adding.  Why? Never in all the years we have used Sonos have the screwed things up like this.  Unreal.

A multi-room music playback system that no longer has stable multi-room play and almost no features to manage playback or music libraries.  Why did they roll this unready mess out?


I’d call support, but I know they cannot do anything about this.  I chatted them when this started rolling out and the problems started rolling it and they just read “the script”.  They can’t fix the mess no more than we can.

A lot of the same issues for me.   Multi-room is completely buggered.    Just popped in to test “play everywhere”….   10 devices in 6 rooms….  I got the app saying all are playing.    In reality, I got a single speaker in one room and one speaker (of a stereo pair) in another room.   That’s it.    


I had the same problem and managed to get it working by making sure all my speakers were on the exact same version and build. My app is in Swedish, so I’ll try to translate. I checked 

Settings/gear icon → Manage → About your system

And realized that although my speakers had the same version, they had different build numbers. To correct that I went to:

Settings/gear icon → Manage → System updates → Search for updates

It then said that there was an update available so I ran that update and now all speakers are on the same build number and multi room audio works.

Thanks for the info…. I checked mine and all are on the same build number.  79.1-53290 in my case

@klewis00 That’s the same build number as I have. And you have problems too, right, so it’s not a universal fix :(

I had the same problem and managed to get it working by making sure all my speakers were on the exact same version and build. My app is in Swedish, so I’ll try to translate. I checked 

Settings/gear icon → Manage → About your system

And realized that although my speakers had the same version, they had different build numbers. To correct that I went to:

Settings/gear icon → Manage → System updates → Search for updates

It then said that there was an update available so I ran that update and now all speakers are on the same build number and multi room audio works.

Thanks for the info, this solution worked for me. Multi-room not working and it turned out I had an update available for one of my speakers, which made all the difference (not something I’d have thought of checking either),

@PhilRuse Glad I could help 👍🏻