Just upgraded to the new App and it seems they have not allowed the Sonos Boost to connect to it. Spoken to Support and after an hour it seems that the developers have yet to allow the Boost to connect so they will need to update it. I can connect via WiFi but if you have a Boost in your system it does not recognise. Unless anyone knows a work round or support tells you they have fixed it.
Thanks for bringing this up. I have my Sonos One speakers set up using the boost, and then 2 Roam speakers on WiFi. On the new app, my Sonos boost is no longer listed as part of my system. However, my router still shows the boost as an attached device, and the boost and the Sonos Ones are listed as being on the Ethernet, with the Roams shown as being on WiFi. So far, at least, all the speakers play normally.
I just experimented and turned off the boost. On the router page, the Sonos Ones now show they are connected via WiFi and they still play.
similar issue. When I try to connect Boost, the whole system disappears from the app and doesn’t work anything. If I disconnect Boost, my system plays, but with a lot of latency.
very strange because Boost is listed as compliant with the new app
I have a Boost and although it does not show up under my system anymore, it is connected to my router and my speakers that use it, still show as connected to ethernet. So seems to be ok still even though it does not show up for some reason?
Plus if I load that old page (Sonos support info), that shows those colours etc, it shows there with it’s speakers connected to it.
Same here. I can see it under "about my system" and it obtained an ip address but says unavailable.
Not showing up on "system setting" page.
I've re-added it but same result. Definitely working before the new app update.
Just upgraded to the new App and it seems they have not allowed the Sonos Boost to connect to it. Spoken to Support and after an hour it seems that the developers have yet to allow the Boost to connect so they will need to update it. I can connect via WiFi but if you have a Boost in your system it does not recognise. Unless anyone knows a work round or support tells you they have fixed it.
Maybe it's my problem. After the upgrade I lost completely access to all speakers. Was connected using boost. When I try to reconfigure using boost I can't recreate my system. I did factory reset, boost is recognized, added but after... I see nothing in parameters boost is activated, then impossible to connect a speaker using wireless connection
I do not understand we can put in production an application still on development
I have a similar issue. New Sonos app cannot see my system at all when I have the boost on. The old S2 app on my iPhone sees everything just fine. The new Web app does see my system speakers but not the boost.
if I turn off the boost, the new app can see my system.
sonos support say it’s a known issue and they are working on it.
I’m not going to be updating my iPhone to the new app until the iPad new app is working properly.
also going to hang off buying any new sonos gear until this issue is all sorted out.
sonos need to provide a way to downgrade to the old S2 app on the Apple Store.
really bad software release from sonos..
not a happy customer….
I recently updated to the new app. The app recognizes the boost, but says it needs to be updated. Several attempts of unplugging it and re-powering it on still will not allow The boost to update.
I found out that having all speakers powered on seamed to do the trick. Everything connects via sonos net and the new app sees all speakers and even lists the boost in the system info.
Unplug the sonos one and the app loses connection. Remaining speakers still work. Just app cannot see them.
Been reading up and to my surprise, sonos net and the boost are not supported on the new era 100 and 300.
I bet this is Sono’s way to move you off the boost. They sort of support it but not really…
I unplugged the sonos boost and everything appeared as before on the old app and on the new app, difference was that the playbar and sonos one connected as WMSTATION NOT sonos net.
I guess it’s time to retire the boost.
No upgrade credit available on the boost… b***er!
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similar issue. When I try to connect Boost, the whole system disappears from the app and doesn’t work anything. If I disconnect Boost, my system plays, but with a lot of latency.
very strange because Boost is listed as compliant with the new app
Same here. The updated app simply does not work with the Boost.
I have a similar issue. New Sonos app cannot see my system at all when I have the boost on. The old S2 app on my iPhone sees everything just fine. The new Web app does see my system speakers but not the boost.
if I turn off the boost, the new app can see my system.
sonos support say it’s a known issue and they are working on it.
I’m not going to be updating my iPhone to the new app until the iPad new app is working properly.
also going to hang off buying any new sonos gear until this issue is all sorted out.
sonos need to provide a way to downgrade to the old S2 app on the Apple Store.
really bad software release from sonos..
not a happy customer….
Same here. They need to get this problem fixed ASAP!!!
I’ll reach out to Sonos support this week.
I spent a lot of money for the boost.
I’d rather go back to the old app if that’s possible
We should have been warned and advised that we would lose the boost if we upgraded to the new app.
I would have opted to stay with the previous app
that was poor communication on Sonos
I was told. The app does not support boost. I'm glad I unplugged it to at least use my system now but this is rediculous. Is someone going to tell me when I can use my boost again?
After waiting an hour on the phone for support, It was suggested that I unplug (throw away) my Boost and connect a speaker to my home’s router. I explained to the rep that this is not a vialble solution since my (3) Play 1 speakers are used outside and the home router is on another floor inside the house. I ran the diagnostics but this did not help. I was told that there is no ETA on a remedy for this issue. And we cant revert back to the previous version of the app. So, SONOS essentially forced us into a newer version of their app that does not support the boost. That’s costly and wrong. Im done with SONOS
I did the same thing that's why I posted.
It’s unfortunate that Sonos put out such a crappy update on their new app. I recently joined the Sonos Facebook page for insights and many people are complaining on there with similar issues.
I have two Sonos systems in two different residences. I have two Sonos boosts at one residence, and one Sonos boost at the other. The system with two boosts mostly worked after the update (My old play:3s randomly don’t play any sound, although they say they’re connected), but the app can’t even find the system at the residence with only one boost. I think the main difference is that all the speakers connect through the boost at the single boost residence, while at the double boost residence, there are some new Era speakers that connect directly to Wi-Fi.
Just upgraded to the new App and it seems they have not allowed the Sonos Boost to connect to it. Spoken to Support and after an hour it seems that the developers have yet to allow the Boost to connect so they will need to update it. I can connect via WiFi but if you have a Boost in your system it does not recognise. Unless anyone knows a work round or support tells you they have fixed it.
Does anyone know if this has been fixed? My system is choppy without the boost since I have so many speakers linked to it, big lag!
Hmmmmm, We just sold a second home and brought home the Sonos Gear, that house had bad wifi and the boost helped, course I was going to install it in the primary house even though the wifi does a ok job, just ok.
Now, here I am stuck with more Sonos Paper Weights!!!!!! They * canned products back some years ago (Legacy Stuff), which I had a few and now this one with no advance warning. I say that as I’m selling the stuff from our sold home and wanted to make sure I didn’t sell folks anchors, thankfully I wanted to make sure I installed the unit correctly, guess there isn’t a correct way!!!!!!!!
Thanks Folks for the Heads Up
*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*
My boost is still missing from the new app. I do hope that they fix this sometime soon.
My boost is still missing from the new app. I do hope that they fix this sometime soon.
It has appeared! My whole system is now showing in the app. Finally.
iOS app version 80.06.03. Firmware 16.3.1.
Same problem. Just added my ebay Boost and all components disappear from the app. Still plays, viewed as Airplay, but this will be useless once I get all my rooms set up. This is weak.
Same problem. Just added my ebay Boost and all components disappear from the app. Still plays, viewed as Airplay, but this will be useless once I get all my rooms set up. This is weak.
Sounds like you ‘may’ have (perhaps) gone about it in the wrong way. You are usually best to add the Boost wirelessly to any ‘existing’ Sonos Household using the “Add Product” feature in the App system settings, that’s whilst you have your devices showing in the App …and then wire it ‘post setup’ as the system root-bridge. I’d then recommend to power-cycle the ‘compatible’ players in the system to switch them over to use SonosNet - although if you wait 10 minutes, you may find they switch anyway.
To be certain they do switch you could also remove the WiFi credentials in the Apps network settings, but only do that IF you do not own/have one of the following devices unwired in the system (as they do not use wireless SonosNet) and you will still need the WiFi credentials for use with those players - they do not use the Sonos Boost connection.
- Arc Ultra
- Era 100
- Era 300
- Move/Move 2
- Roam/Roam SL/Roam 2
How are you supposed to add Boost wirelessly as you described. If it’s not wired and you choose to “add”, it won’t show up. It has been factory reset, bluetooth is on, and all other speakers are on and visible in the app.
Based on your list, this works as expected. I only have 2 Roams at the moment and none of my other speakers (including Beam, Sub mini, Plays, Fives) are hooked up yet. Seems to me if the app doesn’t support Boost now, it is somehow still “blocking” from view those that are not communicating over SonosNet. That’s just a speculation of course, but it will be interesting to see what (if anything) appears as I add speakers. Of course, sounds like I’ll have to power down Boost to add these others. A handful will be on ethernet too, so this will get interesting...
Couple of comments, which may or may not be helpful. Neither the Sonos BRIDGE or the Sonos BOOST support Bluetooth, although newer speakers do. You’ll never be able to see either device in your Bluetooth list.
The BRIDGE/BOOST devices create a SonosNet signal, something that newer Sonos speakers do not connect to, including both the Sonos Roam, and the Sonos Move.
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