I cannot believe that the app has still not resolved basic functionality and is so slow in response times. I am sick to death of apologists telling me it's my connectivity. It is not; Sonos seem prioritising rollingout new features as pose to resolving essential issues such as stop, start, volume variation etc. Luckily I still managed to protect the old app on my PC, and this works like clockwork. However, the moment I use the new app you want to smash your he'd against a wall after 5 minutes waiting for it to respond. I would ask that the Sonos plants in these threads don't start telling it's my wifi. It isn't.
Thanks for your post!
I am sorry to hear of the continued issues you are having with your Sonos system. I do appreciate the points you have made, however, the majority of users are simply not seeing these issues. Given that the main difference between any two systems, other than the exact combination of which devices are on it, is the router it connects to, the device that runs the Sonos app, and the environment in which all these are operating, it does seem that the most likely explanation of why things are not going well for you, but are going well for others, must be down to one of these aspects.
We are aware of an issue that certain Android phones that run a more custom version of Android (ColorOS, OS MIUI) than other devices are experiencing, and are investigating, though it does not sound like you are affected by this, going by your description.
If routers are blocking certain network packet types, that could also cause issues. And if you are experiencing interference due to the local environment, it could cause the problems you describe. Neither of these explain why you have no such issues when using the app for your PC, however.
As a result, I can only recommend that you get in touch with our technical support team who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and what it reports.
I hope this helps.
My system is serviced by a highly qualified comptuter professional, who has found catagorically I have no network issues. He has Sonos at home and he also is still experiencing the same problems in addition to other users I know. Essentially it is impossible to use the app on an android phone which is being used for other purposes.
I had zero issues when using the previous apps, and it is the previous app I have on my PC.
My system is serviced by a highly qualified comptuter professional, who has found catagorically I have no network issues. He has Sonos at home and he also is still experiencing the same problems in addition to other users I know. Essentially it is impossible to use the app on an android phone which is being used for other purposes.
I had zero issues when using the previous apps, and it is the previous app I have on my PC.
I agree that there are many here, and on other social media sites, who are still struggling with some basic operational issues using the App. Many of those with problems have been able to confirm that the issues are not being caused by their local networks.
Personally I think that things are slowly improving but that is a very subjective statement because, after 8 months, I may have forgotten what good was like.
The one thing that is unclear to me is how many many of the users that have complained since 7th May are now happy with the new App and how many have gone silent because they are fed up or have replaced their systems. Subjectively, again, I think the level of complaints here have reduced but I don’t know why.
My system is serviced by a highly qualified comptuter professional, who has found catagorically I have no network issues. He has Sonos at home and he also is still experiencing the same problems in addition to other users I know.
I too consider myself quite experienced, but I would not make such a call until I had seen diagnostics from the speakers.
Essentially it is impossible to use the app on an android phone which is being used for other purposes.
I had zero issues when using the previous apps, and it is the previous app I have on my PC.
We have changed how the app talks to speakers on the network, using a different communication protocol - if this is being blocked by your router, for whatever reason, it would make sense that you would see better results on the older app which uses the previously-used protocol. The issue remains that it is the router not performing networking functions correctly, however - assuming that is what the issue is, of course.
Ok, you have changed the protocol used by Sonos speakers but so what! I’m in the network business and I’m pretty sure that most Sonos users have a basic Internet network with no limitation on ports for outgoing traffic. Using configuration problems on router as the main reason to explain the malfunction of a set of Sonos devices is a far too easy way to dodge the problems reported.
I have called support following the advice of a Sonos moderator. The only answer I got was ‘wait until the application is updated’. I was thinking about networks tools since I’m able to capture frames on my own network with a wiretap and analyze them afterwards with Wireshark or similar. The very low-quality level of the application compares alas equally to the skill of the hotline agents. You should not expect support to offer solutions other than power off/power on or similar.
Maybe it would be wise to share details about those protocols so we can analyze really what’s going on and try to help the desperate users of Sonos speakers. Please stop saying it’s a network problem all the time. It could be but not at this level or the magic of the new application is so powerful that it is able to disturb thousands of networks around the world
I did not say “it’s a network problem”, I said that it was most likely due to whatever it is that makes one system that does not work different from another system that does, and that in practice, this is commonly the network. There is a difference, and without hard data from the speakers, I can only make a guess.
We now use mDNS for device discovery - the same protocol that Apple uses for AirPlay, and one that, as far as I know, all routers should be compatible with.
The initial issue that you reported - your favourites for manually added radio stations being unavailable - is still being looked into. I can only thank you for your patience in this regard. Please note, however, that it is only URLs that were added from the legacy TuneIn service that are behaving in this manner. Just now, I followed the instructions on our Use TuneIn to add internet radio station URLs to Sonos help page and was able add a URL to the TuneIn app, mark it as a favourite in TuneIn, have it show in the Favourites section of the TuneIN container in the Sonos app, then mark it as a Sonos Favourite and have it show and play from the Sonos Favourites section.
Please note, however, that there does seem to be an issue with the TuneIn app whereby if only a manually added URL is in the favourites section, the favourites count stays at 0 and therefore the section is not shown in the Sonos app. I had to mark a non-manually-added station to the favourites to fix it, at which point my manually added URL showed in the Sonos app.
I hope this helps.
An update re the Sonos app. It does not function on Android phones with first generation speakers. I have been forced into replacing my kit with new second generation units and behold everything works perfectly. Obviously Sonos decided to follow Apple’s example and force people into buying new equipment.
What are “first generation speakers”?
What do you think I mean. Speakers that are not gen 2. Totally irrelevant to the topic.
Old speakers do not work either the app!
Old speakers work well with S1. Sonos has not yet abandoned any speakers, at least so far.
See https://support.sonos.com/en-us/article/sonos-app-version-compatibility
There are many different types of gen 1 and gen 2 devices. Unfortunately, there isn’t a blanket way to use the ‘gen X’ term to describe any set of speakers, since the appellation applies to both S1 and S2 speaker sets.
Bottom line my old speakers from 12 years ago didn't work. The new ones do. No grey areas!
I guess we’ll need to disagree. All Sonos speakers work, still, it just matters which operating system they work with. The only devices that no longer work on Sonos operating systems are the two remotes, and the 30 pin iPod dock. All other devices are still supported.
I assume you work for Sonos
You would assume incorrectly, although it would be nice if they would pay me something….
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