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I usually control my Sonos system using my PC : no problem (yet?).

This morning I  opened the Sonon App on my mobile, and then I got stuck with “Conditions d’utlisation, licence et garantie” and it is impossible to approve them (“Accepter”). Apparently said conditions have recently been updated (June 2024).
Thus the Sonos (2) App is now totally useless.
Please correct quickly and inform.

Hey @Antonio0196,

Welcome to the Sonos Community and apologies for the late response.

Sorry to hear you cannot currently use the Sonos App because you cannot get passed the license agreement. If I understand correctly you have no option of accepting or clicking “Next”. Do you perhaps use a bigger font size for your mobile device? Please check in the settings of the device and lower the font size, this would make the relavant button visible at the bottom of the screen.

For iOS

 1. Go to settings

 2. Display and Brightness

 3. Text Size

 4. Set it to small (Left side)


For Android

 1. Settings

 2. Display (Font Size)

 3. Advanced

 4. Font Size

 5. Set it to Small


Hope that helps!

Thanks for your attention and care. In the meantime I manged to solve the problem I had.
