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Song Not Encoded Correctly

  • 26 March 2016
  • 87 replies

Good evening. I've had my Sonos Play:1 for a few weeks now and just started having issues with songs skipping completely. The error log reads 'song not encoded correctly.' I'm not entirely sure what this means, considering all of the other songs on the album play without issue. Is it a connection issue? Like I said, I've only had it for a few weeks, but this is the first time I've had a problem. Thank you!
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87 replies

Userlevel 5
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Hello @Aaron B. Binkley,

Are the tracks that are giving you errors consistently from the same source, e.g. yourMusic Library or Amazon Music?

Do you edit the playlists by removing the problematic tracks before adding them to the playlist again?  

Userlevel 1
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The errors are from all sources. Sometimes I remove the songs before adding them again, and sometimes I just re-add them to the end of the list. It doesn’t seem to matter either way. When there is an error, it just skips to the next song until it hits one that it can play.

Userlevel 5
Badge +16

Hello @quadrrem,

If this issue is only occurring when you use YouTube Music and a full network reboot does not resolve this than it fits the description of a know issue that we are working to resolve. 

Please keep an eye out here for updates on this playback issue.  

Userlevel 5
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@Aaron B. Binkley

Are you getting the specific “not encoded correctly” error or just a general playback error?

Have you rebooted your router and all of your Sonos players since submitting the most recent diagnostic report?

If you have not, I would suggest unplugging your Netgear and your ISP provided modem/router from power for about 1 minute each.

Once your network is back online, please unplug each of your Sonos products from power for about 10 seconds each and then power them back on.

Once your system is back online, please test playback on the Play: 1 currently wired to your network alone. If possible test individual sources before testing the playlists. 

If you are still getting an error code, please try to get a screen capture of message itself and then follow up with a new diagnostic report. 

Include the results in your reply and hopefully we can find something definitive.    


I have tried all suggested troubleshooting and get the “the song is not encoded correctly” error every time from the Live Phish service.

Happens with only one album.  Apple Lossless Format.  All other Apple Lossless play just fine.  Tracks play just fine out of iTunes using Airplay to all Sonos speakers.


Diagnostics sent.  Confirmation number 684952093

Userlevel 5
Badge +16

Hello @jkerouac59,

Welcome to the Sonos community and thank you for reaching out with your diagnostic report.

Have you been able to verify that the Apple Lossless tracks are not in the DRM/ copyright protected format M4P or other fromat that might not be compatible with Sonos.

You may also want to change your Sonosnet Channel from 1 to 6 for improved communication on your system.    

Userlevel 5
Badge +16

Hello @vikdenic,

If you are still experiencing issues with playback please submit a  submit a diagnostic report so that we can look for a solution with you.   

Song is encoded properly.Happens with only one album.  Apple Lossless Format.  All other Apple Lossless play just fine.  Tracks play just fine out of iTunes using Airplay to all Sonos speakers.


Diagnostics sent.  Confirmation number 684952093

Changing the channel has no impact.

Userlevel 5
Badge +16

Hello @jkerouac59,

These M4A files show as corrupt in the error logs of your system. You may want to reach out to Apple for assistance with this particular album.

When the issue is with specific files as it is here, the issue is going to be the source. Something about the location or the format of this album is different from the rest of your music and Apple will be more able to figure out what that is. It could be the bit-rate or you may need to convert it to a different format.       

support diagnostics number 2055398132


keep having the saime issue as everyone on this thread. Tried upgrading to SONOS 2 but same song skipping pattern and “song not encoded correctly” message. I am playing music from spotify. can you please help??