
Playing music / queue doesnt appear in new app

Userlevel 1

Ever since upgrading to the latest app, music currently playing in a room or group does not appear to be able to stop or view queue. 


Playing a Spotify playlist from within Sonos app. 
Hours later, open the app to turn off music. 
When selecting the room/group with the music playing it just shows “Queue is empty” and controls are grayed out, making it impossible for me to stop playing the music. 

13 replies

I’m experiencing the same thing.

Same issue -  updated app has been a bit annoying so far and no queue visible

Userlevel 6
Badge +11

Same issue, empty queue whilst playing




This is a nightmare, can’t control anything now ever since new app

Same deal here. The biggest thing for me is not being able to turn it down when my phone rings or the kids come in to ask me a question. 

WiiM is looking like a better and more responsive solution more than ever. 

Same issue here. 

It’s not like Sonos doesn’t know about this. So what are they doing about it. So far nothing!!!

Userlevel 2

I am finding the same thing. Starting music from Spotify app or voice control results in no queue being visible in the android app. Sometimes it works, but not reliably.


Weirdly the queue seems to be always accessible and controllable from the web app.



My installer of the whole house system is a very well educated contractor. You should hear his reply when i seeked his opinion and from his installers as well on what to do. ( “ITS A NIGHTMARE” )  The app on the PC works as always and still comes up as a goldish color and works fine. When Im out back entertaining guests and want to control everything via Iphone SONOS Black app. IT DOES NOT FUNCTION UGGGGHH so pissed and it is not only a major inconvenience having to go all the way to the rack system ( ITS EMBARRASSING !!!!!!)

Same.  Hey Sonos, the “controller” app is useless if it doesn’t actually control the system.  

I’ve had the same experience. The controller on my computer works consistently. The app on my phone is often out of sync and frequently can’t connect to my speakers. It basically makes my Sonos system unusable since I can’t control from different rooms in my house anymore. 
