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Nos han prohibido poner nuestra musica almacenada en nuestros discos duros y ordenador, con la excusa de seguridad, la seguridad es mia, no de ellos.

para que sirve entonces el sistema Sonos?, para poner la radio??,

dictadura de tener que subscribirnos a u Spotify, apple, youtube…. NO QUIERO PAGAR POR ESCUCHAR MI MUSICA!!!

Que alguien me diga para que me sirven?, poner Itunes, vlc,… por bluetooth?? 
para que me sirven mis dos Move y  mis dos Ones???

un dineral para poner la radio??? O ponerlos en bluetooth??



Moderator Edit - Translation by Google:

They have prohibited us from putting our music stored on our hard drives and computer, with the excuse of security, the security is mine, not theirs.

What is the Sonos system for then? To play the radio?

dictatorship of having to subscribe to Spotify, apple, YouTube…. I DON'T WANT TO PAY TO LISTEN TO MY MUSIC!!!

Can someone tell me what they are for? Play iTunes, VLC,... via Bluetooth?
What are my two Moves and my two Ones for???

a fortune to put on the radio??? Or put them on bluetooth?
