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Recently my Sonos app (Android) was upgraded to the “new, better” interface.  Now when I go to the app, it frequently shows me a page that says there are no connected products.  If I leave it long enough (anywhere from 10s of seconds to minutes), my system finally shows up.  This never used to happen - it’s only since this upgrade.  Any ideas on this?

Thanks in advance.


@Altair I have the same issue, but mine don’t show up at all :-(

Never mind these timers, I just want to play my gawd damn music. 

All I have is the ‘There are no connected products. Go to System Settings to learn more’. So I go to System Settings, I ‘Add Speaker or Component’ and go through a factory reset process on my speaker(s) to add them. That part works. Until I close down the app and go back and… ‘There are no connected products. Go to System Settings to learn more’.

Literally, I am SO frustrated with this app release and Sonos.

Pending a massive patch to the non functional app, (the web player) works fine for me.. might be worth a shot?

Updating my threads - as I resolved it. I have had to unplug and get rid of my Sonos Boost to get back on regular WIFI. Now I’ve got my music back!

Updating my threads - as I resolved it. I have had to unplug and get rid of my Sonos Boost to get back on regular WIFI. Now I’ve got my music back!

Not sure I understand.  Do you mean to unplug the Sonos speakers to reboot them?  I’ve got 2 Play 5 speakers and nothing else.

This problem seems to have been part of the botched May 7th new-app release.  As of the May 21st release, it seems to have gone back to normal.

I had stated that everything was back to normal after the May 21st app release.  Turns out that’s not true.  I still get the problem of “ no connected products” occasionally.  Things that I’ve discovered:

  • So far, this only happens if the speakers are not currently on (i.e. no music is playing).
  • If I start the speaker manually (it will start playing previously selected station) and then start the app … things are usually fine.
  • If I start the app, exit AND kill the app and then restart the app … things are usually fine.
  • If I wait long enough (up to minutes) the app will eventually fine my speakers.

I continue to struggle since the app 'upgrade' and regularly struggle with the system not seeing any products or speakers. I've tried everything, and if I hadn't invested so much I'd bin the lot. Is there any solution in sight for this as my system is virtually unusable.

Updates to the app and new firmware updates are coming most weeks. There’s another this week. And the roadmap of fixes has been posted many times on here. There will be parity with the old app in due course. It was meant to be better than the old one but everyone would happily take ‘as good as’ the old one right now…

I hope so as this has gone from being something I loved to something I loathe and is unusable.

I have a Sonos arc and I added one era 300. Then added another era 300 and a sub (gen 3). All was working ok until I noticed that the sub wasn’t working. I rebooted it and reset. It then seemed to fix the sub but nothing else was working. The weirdest thing is one era 300 continued to work with music only. Then I power reset everything and the only device showing is the sub. I don’t understand what is going on and how to fix. 

thanks for the help. 

Hello, I have ARC, 2- One SL speakers, Sub and Move. They all went off line last week for no apparent reson. No new modem, router - Nothing! Called SONOS 800#. I had to reset all speakers. To no avail. Since then I have reset them twice and they’re still not working as a group. ARC Connects to Sony TV through HDMI but not other speakers will connect to TV. Like others say, the APP is a POS and connects when it does which is on and off. Mobile APP states “No Connection” and I can play some music.. Went to speakers on MacBook Pro and choose all Sonos speakers and that helped some. Not much!

Anyone have ideas? I have MAC devices besides Sony TV.

@Altair I have the same issue, but mine don’t show up at all :-(

Never mind these timers, I just want to play my gawd damn music. 

All I have is the ‘There are no connected products. Go to System Settings to learn more’. So I go to System Settings, I ‘Add Speaker or Component’ and go through a factory reset process on my speaker(s) to add them. That part works. Until I close down the app and go back and… ‘There are no connected products. Go to System Settings to learn more’.

Literally, I am SO frustrated with this app release and Sonos.

I have the same exact problem, it's been going on since June 2024. I have unplugged and plugged everything back in many times, is anybody else figured out a solution yet?