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New will not add to queue

  • 18 May 2024
  • 2 replies

Can you not add music to the end of the queue  in the new app? WTH!  I like to queue up albums to listen to, but my only choice is to replace the queue. Im on IOS, using Apple music. Hope this is remedied soon. Otherwise I like the interface, but this for me is a big whiff. 

Can you not add music to the end of the queue  in the new app? WTH!  I like to queue up albums to listen to, but my only choice is to replace the queue. Im on IOS, using Apple music. Hope this is remedied soon. Otherwise I like the interface, but this for me is a big whiff. 

Nope again. You can’t add a track or album to play next in the queue and so build what you’d like to hear for a particular occasion on going. Whoever designed the app needs a serious talking to !! Fancy leaving that out? Mind you you cant even get into your library to choose a track any way 😣😣 It’s a serious cock up by Sonos. Or is that Sonoserious!! ?? 🤣 😣

Some queue functionality is coming back next month: