My Sonos iOS app functionality has not changed one iota since my call to Sonos. I understand what you’re saying, there indeed was an update on July 7 but the end result is the same. Terrible app that seems to have been designed for appearance and not user experience. App utility and performance is terrible. Needs major overhaul work, not incremental.
totally don't understand why they are pushing out such an immature update. Many years of reputation and trust can be easily wasted. Please do sth to make S1 version available to switch back.
App is better than at launch but still seems to mess up the basics like volume control which is very unresponsive with ridiculous lag and the simple thing of switching off ! Often having to unplug to stop the playing . Like I said it is better than the awful launch version but still a very annoying piece of software
App is better than at launch but still seems to mess up the basics like volume control which is very unresponsive with ridiculous lag and the simple thing of switching off ! Often having to unplug to stop the playing . Like I said it is better than the awful launch version but still a very annoying piece of software
I’m not seeing issues with volume control - I suspect that might be down to LAN/WAN latency issues maybe check your device SNR levels as mentioned here:
See if you can perhaps get your devices on the faster 5Ghz band where that’s available/practicable and aim for levels 45dB or greater (if that’s perhaps possible too
Thanks for your tips
unfortunately all those checked out and tried different settings with BT and Sonos agent helping
it all used to work rather well so remain very disappointed
Thanks for your tips
unfortunately all those checked out and tried different settings with BT and Sonos agent helping
it all used to work rather well so remain very disappointed
If your system was working before with the old app chances are it’s just the buggy nature of the new app and that Sonos unleashed this pos app on us under the guise that everything would work as before. We can only hop they get their crap together and fix it, whenever that may be.
But if you use a third party app like SonoPhone ($3) iOS or delete the pos new app and install 16.1 on Android you can get a working system back.
Literally the worst piece of software I’ve ever used. I’ve spent many thousands on Sonos products and they’re virtually useless. Class action imminent surely.
insanely insanely bad.
fire someone
But they still do nothing!!!!
Literally the worst piece of software I’ve ever used. I’ve spent many thousands on Sonos products and they’re virtually useless. Class action imminent surely.
insanely insanely bad.
fire someone
But they still do nothing!!!!
Well not nothing. See this link…
Years of my playlists are gone with this new app. Same issues as everything I am reading and half hour waits to talk to someone about issues. Roll back to the prior appllication or get this fixed. I was a sonos brand zealot prior but that’s changing rapidly
Years of my playlists are gone with this new app. Same issues as everything I am reading and half hour waits to talk to someone about issues. Roll back to the prior appllication or get this fixed. I was a sonos brand zealot prior but that’s changing rapidly
The playlists are on your Sonos players (or should be) you can likely see them in the Sonos desktop App. The new Sonos App needs an update to show them, it seems and users are waiting for Sonos to resolve the matter. Anyhow I hope the Desktop App can work for you in the meantime. 
Years of my playlists are gone with this new app. Same issues as everything I am reading and half hour waits to talk to someone about issues. Roll back to the prior appllication or get this fixed. I was a sonos brand zealot prior but that’s changing rapidly
Just one of the many bugs in this pos app.
Sonos hasn’t committed to a date to fix this. Could be tomorrow, could be months or more.
If you must get your playlists there is an app on iOS called Phonos Plus ($0.99) that you can use to export to a file. But as ken says desktop app also works.
Bought $4k worth of Sonos speakers and subs for home system and downloaded the app As I’m a new user. I’m in a constant sign in loop and can’t control anything. To wait this long for a app fix is unacceptable
Years of my playlists are gone with this new app. Same issues as everything I am reading and half hour waits to talk to someone about issues. Roll back to the prior appllication or get this fixed. I was a sonos brand zealot prior but that’s changing rapidly
The playlists are on your Sonos players (or should be) you can likely see them in the Sonos desktop App. The new Sonos App needs an update to show them, it seems and users are waiting for Sonos to resolve the matter. Anyhow I hope the Desktop App can work for you in the meantime. 
Desktop app? What century is that from? Appreciate the advice but surely what we need is a technology company to understand and fix its own tech before they lose customer goodwill forever.
Desktop app? What century is that from? Appreciate the advice but surely what we need is a technology company to understand and fix its own tech before they lose customer goodwill forever
Yes indeed. as it’s the 21st century I had my playlists synced across all my main music services so they’re still in situ in my own case thanks to soundiz. It seems crazy not to have them backed up these days, doesn’t it? Who knows what could go wrong.
Desktop app? What century is that from? Appreciate the advice but surely what we need is a technology company to understand and fix its own tech before they lose customer goodwill forever
Yes indeed. as it’s the 21st century I had my playlists synced across all my main music services so they’re still in situ in my own case thanks to soundiz. It seems crazy not to have them backed up these days, doesn’t it? Who knows what could go wrong.
Very sensible but we should have higher expectations of a world leading tech company than that they'd release an app update that causes so many issues!
Desktop app? What century is that from? Appreciate the advice but surely what we need is a technology company to understand and fix its own tech before they lose customer goodwill forever
Yes indeed. as it’s the 21st century I had my playlists synced across all my main music services so they’re still in situ in my own case thanks to soundiz. It seems crazy not to have them backed up these days, doesn’t it? Who knows what could go wrong.
Very sensible but we should have higher expectations of a world leading tech company than that they'd release an app update that causes so many issues!
Yes agreed. If they are going to remove functionality give the user base a heads up. They told us that all features would be in place, it was a lie. They told us it would function as before, it was a lie. They’ve provided no timeline for this to come back
But of course third party apps fill the gaping hole Sonos leaves. Download Phonos Plud on iOS and you can access and play your playlists. you can export to file for use with Soundiiz.
I cannot believe they haven’t given us a rollback. I was at a neighbourhood party last night and the big discussion among the men (we all have invested in Sonos and would regularly sing its praises) was how much w hate the company now. The app has not only RUINED our UX but also our image of the company, that they would not only release this untested piece of garbage but then also just ignore the outcries and complaints this long. Every day seems to bring me a new treat of something broken in it.
I especially always loved the fact that I can now no longer merge multiple apple playlists into the queue, obviously I would only ever wanna listen to one playlist at a time and not blend several together. But today's fun find is that when I turn off my TV- which is connected via HDMI ARC-It will no longer return me back to my playlist for an indeterminate amount of time. Sometimes I might be able to go resume playing music in that room in five minutes, sometimes never. The previous app would release the "TV input" as soon as the TV was turned off and I could resume playing music.
Sonos, you really should be ashamed of yourselves. You went from being one of the most customer – focused companies to one of the least with one app release. Honestly, who is God's name pulled the trigger on rolling this out? Was it even tested?
especially always loved the fact that I can now no longer merge multiple apple playlists into the queue,
…and yet that feature is still available in the new App, add the playlists or individual tracks to the queue using ‘Play Next’, ‘Play Now’ or ‘Add to End of Queue’
obviously I would only ever wanna listen to one playlist at a time and not blend several together.
…that’s fine too and it’s in the new App, just use the ‘Replace Queue’ feature.
But today's fun find is that when I turn off my TV- which is connected via HDMI ARC-It will no longer return me back to my playlist for an indeterminate amount of time. Sometimes I might be able to go resume playing music in that room in five minutes, sometimes never. The previous app would release the "TV input" as soon as the TV was turned off and I could resume playing music.
This is working for my Arc - I set the room in focus and hit the play button to play the existing queue. Not sure why your setup is not working for you.
Sonos please sort out the issues with the new app. I much prefer to old version this is a big back step.
Can I add to this stream, I have over 37 Sonos products. This app is the most retrospective piece of unuser friendly, difficult, unintuitive software I’ve seen. Annoying, literally ruins a social event and candidly absence a change will stop me ever buying another Sonos product. What were you thinking…I know this was about Sonos and not your customers.
Can I add to this stream, I have over 37 Sonos products. This app is the most retrospective piece of unuser friendly, difficult, unintuitive software I’ve seen. Annoying, literally ruins a social event and candidly absence a change will stop me ever buying another Sonos product. What were you thinking…I know this was about Sonos and not your customers.
Couldn’t agree more. Was going to buy two more and holding out to see if they fix this. Good luck trying to explain it to a person. I also love when I have to back out 50 levels to get back to all my products.
I think I saw a Reddit or a blog post somewhere where they are trying to address these things. Have they released an official apology yet for how awful this is?
It is genuinely astonishing that the app that supports, or is supposed to support these speakers is such a piece of utter c**p! It is without doubt the worst piece of software/app I've ever encountered. How have Sonos managed this? On Android it is updated almost weekly and still manages to fail on almost everything it's supposed to do.
I'm genuinely bewildered at how such a company can f**k something up so badly.
I also have been a user for >10 years and have thousands of dollars worth of SONOS products, and this is the worst app experience I’ve ever had! I agree...revert back to the old app until you can make the product better, it is so frustrating I’ve even thought of moving to another product!
Sonos, you are destroying your reputation, if you haven’t already. Your hardware is excellent, sounds great and there’s a wide variety to fill any room. As I’m sure you know, so many people have invested thousands of dollars in your speakers, only to one day get gut punched by an astoundingly sluggish, convoluted, and horribly buggy interface. Look, you can continue to develop this new software all you want and I’m sure one day it will be excellent, but in the meantime please just own your mistake and give everyone who’s invested in your high priced speakers the choice to use your previous generation software while you sort out this mess. That’s it, it’s so very simple.
After the last major update that basically bricked my Sonos system, I deleted the app went to apkmirror and installed the old version. All was right with my system again. As of today, the old version will no longer control my system and it is forcing me to do an update to the latest version. Sonos, PLEASE fix this abomination of an app. This is absolutely ridiculous.