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New App on Android

My system has been essentially bricked since the new app. I have probably six grand or so in components that are barely usable. I’m unable to run it on my desktop as of a couple of years ago (won’t support Win 7), the new build won’t run on my Ipad (it is too old to support the required iOS) and the app is completely unstable on our Android devices, a pair of Motorola G7s with Android 11.

Attempting to open the app on either Android results in a black screen with Sonos logo that freezes for three to five minutes until the system pops a message that the app has quit responding with selections to cancel or wait. Selecting wait, oddly enough, will get me into the app but it is unstable when it opens. It is marginally responsive to volume adjustments or completely unresponsive.

The updated UI is terrible compared to the last one that functioned. I cannot be the only one having this problem. I’ve whined in here and waited copious amounts of time for tech support and can find no resolution.

At this point it seems that buying new phones and iPads until I can find devices that will run this dog is the only solution. That is unsat.

This is becoming as much as an issue as the S1 S2 conversion was and it is starting to look like it will require a similar amount of money and inconvenience to resolve.

I loved this product so much, if I could find a way  to undo it all I would in a heartbeat.


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13 replies

  • Prodigy III
  • 389 replies
  • July 21, 2024

Provided you haven’t allowed the system to upgrade firmware, by far the simplest solution for you will be to revert the Android-based app back to 16.1, and it should go back to working exactly as it did before. Instructions are available in other threads here on how to do it - it’s easy.

If your system firmware has updated since early May you might still get away with it - from what I can tell, it’s only the very latest firmware version that has screwed up compatibility with app version 16.1.

TBH, I don’t think you have anything to lose by trying it.

If it works, make sure you turn off auto-update in both the app and within the Sonos system settings.

  • Author
  • Contributor II
  • 6 replies
  • July 21, 2024

Thank you very much for the response. Figured out how to uninstall and replace with 16.1.

Started up, which was progress, recognized the system but I have greyed out screens when attempting to access music or services. Even with auto updates turned off I get a permanent message saying that the application needs updating.

When I think of the people I have recommended Sonos to I am ashamed. Sent my son-in-law a Sonos speaker last Christmas.

I think the whole system is going on Marketplace. I’ll take a beating but I’m tired of fooling with it year after year.

  • Prodigy III
  • 389 replies
  • July 21, 2024

If it’s a correct assumption that your hardware has been updated to latest version (you may be able to check in the System section, or you may not with the older app) then you are probably best off going with the latest app ugrade (due tomorrow? I don’t keep track myself).

Sonos don’t tell us (mere customers) what is changing at a great level of detail, but it seems that there are a lot of changes to the way that the underlying network is used, so if you can’t use 16.1, you may as well gamble with whatever the new release delivers. Other than selling your system, you don’t really have much choice!

I have a feeling that the Sonos development team is due to deliver something usable soon. I sincerely hope so...

  • Prodigy III
  • 633 replies
  • July 21, 2024
Lemuel wrote:

Thank you very much for the response. Figured out how to uninstall and replace with 16.1.

Started up, which was progress, recognized the system but I have greyed out screens when attempting to access music or services. Even with auto updates turned off I get a permanent message saying that the application needs updating.

Hi @Lemuel, the v16.3 firmware released last week ‘obsoleted’ the v16.1 Android app. Seriously disappointing for those of us that appreciated that get-out-of-jail-free card.


  • Lyricist II
  • 5 replies
  • July 22, 2024

My system is considered completely broken as well since May. Its very very hard to use now, and when I open the app and music is already playing it can take up to 3 minutes before the current playing song displays. Before that its just showing the “loading” UI, and I can’t play next, choose a new song, or pause music at all.

Its been an absolute pain to use the system sicne May, I can’t believe Sonos isn’t prioritizing fixing the experience before rolling out something like this.

I have 10 000$ CAD invested in this system over the last 8 years. Its incredible to see such little care for customers, being told to go ask for help on the community forums instead of actually rolling back broken completely utterly broken user experiences.

  • Prodigy II
  • 1893 replies
  • July 22, 2024
Luke33 wrote:

My system is considered completely broken as well since May. Its very very hard to use now, and when I open the app and music is already playing it can take up to 3 minutes before the current playing song displays. Before that its just showing the “loading” UI, and I can’t play next, choose a new song, or pause music at all.

Its been an absolute pain to use the system sicne May, I can’t believe Sonos isn’t prioritizing fixing the experience before rolling out something like this.

I have 10 000$ CAD invested in this system over the last 8 years. Its incredible to see such little care for customers, being told to go ask for help on the community forums instead of actually rolling back broken completely utterly broken user experiences.

There’s a new app update today. See if that helps at all.

  • Lyricist II
  • 5 replies
  • July 22, 2024

Unfortunately it really doesn't

It seems worst. I have been waiting 3 minutes the music is playing on 2 rooms and that's the screen I have. (Dehors patio +1 has music playing... Nothing is loading, I can't stop it, or change it. )


  • Prodigy II
  • 1893 replies
  • July 22, 2024

Can I suggest the following: 

  • Turn off the router. 
  • Turn off all your speakers at the wall. 
  • Log out of your Sonos account on the app and force close the app.
  • Turn off your phone. 
  • Turn on the router and let it reboot fully before moving to the next step.
  • Turn on the speaker closest to the router. Let it boot up to white light.
  • Move on to the next speaker - turn it on, wait for white light. Repeat for all speakers. 
  • Turn on your phone. Let it fully boot up.
  • Re-open the app. Log into your account. 


Any difference?

  • Lyricist II
  • 5 replies
  • July 22, 2024

I will come back to this thread once I am able to test this out.

I have 14 devices to go unplug and its a huge pain. But whatever it takes at this point because the next step is to sell everything and say goodbye to Sonos. Thanks for trying to help.

  • Prodigy II
  • 1893 replies
  • July 22, 2024

Sure. I know it’s a pain, but I think all systems might benefit from a complete reboot every now and again, especially given the speed/responsiveness issues people have been experiencing over the last couple of months with updates appearing on occasion. Systems get confused/exhausted and love to start over!!

  • Author
  • Contributor II
  • 6 replies
  • July 23, 2024

Got the latest update. No joy.


  1. Two to three minute splash screen, black with Sonos logo.
  2. Message that sonos isn’t responding with options to close app or wait.
  3. Either selecting wait or doing nothing will enable app to open after a minute or two.
  4. Finally opens to the new ghastly UI and recognizes system.
  5. I can get it to play. Volume is “sticky”. Changes in volume on the master take several seconds to be recognized.

This is completely unsatisfactory. I’m willing to attempt Rhonny’s solution and understand what he is saying but on the face of it Occam’s Razor indicates that the application is crap.

  • Lyricist II
  • 5 replies
  • July 23, 2024

Well seems like following the steps from Rhonny for me fixed most of the non-responsiveness issues.

That shouldn’t be something end users need to do with a system like this one though. I could have never known to do this, and it cost me 2 hours of my life I will never get back because Sonos wants to do funky updates that breaks user experiences and are really not well tested. 

  • Prodigy II
  • 1893 replies
  • July 23, 2024
Luke33 wrote:

Well seems like following the steps from Rhonny for me fixed most of the non-responsiveness issues.

That shouldn’t be something end users need to do with a system like this one though. I could have never known to do this, and it cost me 2 hours of my life I will never get back because Sonos wants to do funky updates that breaks user experiences and are really not well tested. 


Glad it helped! The important thing is it should only need doing once, and is likely needed in many cases because of the succession of updates since 7th May. If a laptop has been on for weeks and goes slow and starts playing up, you reboot it and it works well again. It’s exactly the same with the Sonos speakers. It shouldn’t be necessary but, to others having difficulty, why not try following my suggested actions, given the speakers have been through so many updates in the last couple of months... 

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