NAS Drive connection to a Sonos S1 system

  • 29 July 2023
  • 6 replies

Until recently I used a Western Digital NAS Drive (My Cloud Home) to connect my Music Library to my Sonos (S1) system.

This has stopped working because WD has withdrawn support for SMB1. Having spoken with the Tech Support teams at both WD and Sonos, the only solution is to ditch my current Sonos system (10 devices) and upgrade to S2 devices in order to access my Music Library. Naturally I don’t want to do this given upheaval and cost.

So I have 2 questions:

  1. Has anyone found a way round this problem to connect My Cloud Home to a Sonos S1 system?
  2. Is there an alternative NAS Drive which will work with Sonos S1 and provides SMB1 support?

I appreciate your help and suggestions.





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6 replies

Is SMB1 actually withdrawn, or simply disabled by default? It would be worth poking around deep in the NAS settings. 

If you have music on a USB drive and your router supports file sharing you may well find it still offers SMB1. 

Thanks for your message.

Unfortunately SMB1 has been withdrawn by Western Digital.

I have a Virgin Hub 4 router and I can’t see any option to insert a USB drive. 

How much music data do you have? If it’s already on a USB drive (HDD or flash) then rather than replacing the NAS you could consider re-purposing a router which does have USB as a standalone SMB server. Many routers still offer only SMB1. 

If you don’t mind fussing with things a Raspberry Pi can be used. Here’s an easy setup. I’m not sure if this will allow you to select SMB1. If you need it, here is the ‘gore’.

Or flash a cheap router with Tomato/DD-WRT/OpenWrt.

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

I have two solutions to offer you, my instructions are for a Raspberry Pi but could be used for other systems too.

Live Journal: Stan

The gateway option is really slick as it requires nothing but a Pi, using your existing NAS for storage. Even a Pi Zero is good enough to serve multiple Sonos streams.