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This is for anyone who has Sonos speakers that want to upgrade from the old S1 app and system to the new S2 app.  I spent hours on the phone to support who may have been helpful in providing some knowledge on the Sonos system, but when trying to work with me to resolve my issue I ended up figuring it out myself.

Sonos - iOS app for iPhone and iPad - version 80.00.08 as of 15th May 2024.

I have two systems in my house, the new one had Sonos amps which I put on the new S2 app from day one so I knew that the system worked.  All my Play 1’s and Play 5s were on the old S1.   I also have a Sonos Beam and 2 Sonos 1’s (these are the tv ‘surround’ setup).

First of all all my Play 5s were gen 1 so were not compatible with S2, the upgrade process on the app factory reset them and took them off the S1 app as the upgrade process apparently doesn’t work with them linked.  You then have to add them back into the S1 app one at a time.

All my devices ended up needing several updates, not just one to get them upgraded to the new system and use the S2 app.  This was what should have been told to me from the start and known by Sonos, along with how to actually do it.  It would have helped a lot in understanding what was going on but error 1014 was not helpful so glad I figured out how to do it.

When you go through the upgrade process on the S2 app, you have to first start by factory resetting the devices one by one.  I turned off ALL my devices and then upgraded them one by one.  After doing the factory reset and they turn flashing green then start the process on the app by selecting the ‘add speaker or component’.  Go through the wizard and let it connect through its temporary wifi network direct to the speaker/beam.  If you get an error message that says it can’t connect, force close the app and try again.  Once it connects go through the wizard to do the update and the speaker will flash orange when its installing that update (I believe this to be a single update, of which for me there were many).

At that point if at any time it says error 1014, force close the Sonos 2 app and wait until the Sonos device stops blinking orange and go back to blinking green. You have to manually go back and select your home wifi network at this point or it will stick to the Sonos temporary network.  I’ve assumed that when it blinks orange at this point it is upgrading the software on the speaker.  What I didn’t know early on what that you have to go through this process several times for the number of software upgrades required.  In my case it was like 4 times, each time saying error 1014… until the error stops.   IMPORTANT… Any any point if it gives you an error, force close the app and start again.


1- start the wizard on the s2 app and let it connect to the device’s Sonos temporary network

2- when error 1014 appears, force close the app and wait for the device to return to blinking green, on your phone/laptop/iPad manually select your home wifi network as it will still be attached to the Sonos temporary network

3- open the s2 app do the process to add the device again

4- repeat until the wizard stops giving you the error message and progresses past the previous steps

I never ‘continued’ when the wizard showed this as an option  it was directly after an error that said my iPad/iPhone lost connection to the speaker.  I always forced quit and started again.

Each time you go through this process and it blinks orange, it's doing an update (I believe).  when you get a failure message, force close and repeat until you finally get to the ‘chime’ and adding to your account and naming the speaker.

I think the app isn’t able to handle multiple updates very well, so I think this process installs them one by one every time you restart after error 1014 until finally they are all installed. 

When I was on the phone and did it with a Sonos rep, we had to go through a registration process as well which only happened once. The device shows that it needs to be registered if that is the case. 

This worked for me after hours and hours of frustration, so hope it helps to some degree.

Happy for Sonos to provide their comments to this.

Thought this was going to be my magic bullet but I’m on 9 tries and so far still not working.  Think I need that many updates??

That seems like a lot. I did log out and back in if I recall, so try that as well.

are you getting the 1014 error?

I had a similar issue with customers set up that had all new amps. After the update 5 of their 8 amps dropped off the system completely. 2 others would show up on the system but would refuse to play anything and their beam was doing the same thing. I tried resetting a couple of the amps and adding them back on. But all I kept getting was the error 1014 as well. I called the Sonos dealer line and went through all of their suggestions. Which I had already tried before calling. After getting nowhere with them I went and reset each device one last time and let them sit for a few minutes and everything added right back onto their system and worked like a dream. 

I'm currently working with another customer whose bridge finally died. Now I’m going through the process of trying to move their s2 compatible connect amps to the new app and it’s being much more stubborn. I’m hoping that hard-lining will help. The update on each amp while trying it through wireless was taking close to 25 minutes just to have the error 1014 pop up again. 

I think this is just going to be a very annoying bug that won’t be fixed for a while. Once again Sonos updates something and it’s not ready for release but they push it through anyways. Customers and installers have to weed through the issues and find work arounds for their short comings and mistakes.

I’m going through this now, I have tried 8 update cycles now for a PLAY 5, still getting the 1014 error. I have many more speakers to go, I hope this works.

I’m going through this now, I have tried 8 update cycles now for a PLAY 5, still getting the 1014 error. I have many more speakers to go, I hope this works.

Any success?

If the device is blinking green then force close the app completely and start it over again. You may have to disconnect from the temporary sonos wifi. I stopped waiting more than 15 min, it clearly wasn’t doing anything. 
As soon as I started the process again (like I mentioned in this post) the device received another update and started blinking orange.  
Then you may have to repeat again . And eventually it completed the final update. 

If the device is blinking green then force close the app completely and start it over again. You may have to disconnect from the temporary sonos wifi. I stopped waiting more than 15 min, it clearly wasn’t doing anything. 
As soon as I started the process again (like I mentioned in this post) the device received another update and started blinking orange.  
Then you may have to repeat again . And eventually it completed the final update. 

Thanks Steviek. Was that failing so soon in the process, as I’ve already tried your approach about 30 times and it still fails 14 seconds in and never makes it any further. 

It was early on in the process. I ignored the fact I was getting an error message and assumed the process was incrementally updating the device until it was able to update to the latest. I assumed every time it went orange it was updating and then the error happens. Ignored the error, closed the app, device goes back to flashing green and manually returned to home wifi network and started again. 

Hi All,

I was fighting with this for the last hour too.

I can only give you things that I tried.

My Sonos One Gen 2 was assigned to Terrace before - when I tried to use the same name on setup after 14 secs I continually got 1,014…  I tried it again with Terrace1 as the location and it worked first time.

Reset the Sonos One - hold in connect button whilst plugging the device in.

Hold connect button until it flashes green.

Start the S2 APP “Fresh”

Added the device etc.

Changed location to Terrace1 and NOT Terrace like before.


Changed the name back to Terrace in the configuration in the app..

Everything works….


Hope this saves someone from losing their mind...

Hi All,

I was fighting with this for the last hour too.

I can only give you things that I tried.

My Sonos One Gen 2 was assigned to Terrace before - when I tried to use the same name on setup after 14 secs I continually got 1,014…  I tried it again with Terrace1 as the location and it worked first time.

Reset the Sonos One - hold in connect button whilst plugging the device in.

Hold connect button until it flashes green.

Start the S2 APP “Fresh”

Added the device etc.

Changed location to Terrace1 and NOT Terrace like before.


Changed the name back to Terrace in the configuration in the app..

Everything works….


Hope this saves someone from losing their mind...

Thank you so much. I changed internet providers today and had to set up everything again from scratch for some reason rather than just swapping networks.


Had the 1,014 error madness. This worked for me too, changing the locations did the trick. Please fix this Sonos it is unacceptable.

Glad that I was able to help!

Problem solved (worked around)!  

Spent 90 minutes+ on phone with support doing a bunch of basic stuff. Long story short, adding the misbehaving speakers from a v2 app on an iPad worked!  Two different iPhones with the latest v2 app fail. Seems Sonus phone app has an issue but one for iPad doesn’t.  Would be interesting to see if someone running an Android app has the issue or not. Sonus opened an internal ticket with our finding, hopefully they get an iOS iPhone app update/fix out. This was a royal pain….

Thanks steviek

I thought I was going in circles but your post convinced me to keep trying. In the end I did one more software update for a total of about 5 and my sonos connect amp was added. I then had to do one more factory reset to get it added to my existing system.

This was incredibly frustrating and not what I’d expect given the way Sonos promotes themselves.

Went through this work around for about 2hrs last night and nothing.  I have a friend that happen to have a 2018 Connect:amp brand new in a box that he won at a company Christmas party.  Gave him $100 for it🤫, but I absolutely can not get this thing to connect.  Error 1014 constantly popping up, tried force closing the app work around like I said for 2hrs.  Still no fix.  

any ideas??

Went through this work around for about 2hrs last night and nothing.  I have a friend that happen to have a 2018 Connect:amp brand new in a box that he won at a company Christmas party.  Gave him $100 for it🤫, but I absolutely can not get this thing to connect.  Error 1014 constantly popping up, tried force closing the app work around like I said for 2hrs.  Still no fix.  

any ideas??

Hi @TX_Rangers04 ,

I just went through this and had to update the Connect:amp through the S1 app first. Then I did a factory reset and was able to update through the S2 app.

I tried everything in between without any luck.

I hope this helps!

I will try Steviek’s steps again tonight with my last Speaker Play-3, but must admit after 2 hours last night Ive lost enthusiasm.  Doing the same thing over and over expecting success is nuts.  And Sonos still thinks this new App is progress.  Management should be forced to do it themselves but I bet they got a team of engineers over to do it.  Or more likely just got all new kit as a bonus for this brilliant idea.


Im too invested with systems in 3 locations

Thanks, Stanley

I had the same problem with my Sonos, three, one of the original first generations.


I had the same problem with my Sonos, three, one of the original first generations.


I took your advice and kept force closing my app when I got the error code. After about five or six times through the entire download almost finished. It went through about 98% and then I got the same error. I again force quit and then everything seemed good, and the wizard came on too connect my play three.


After about five or six times through the entire download almost finished. It went through about 98% and then I got the same error. I again force quit and then everything seemed good, and the wizard came on too connect my play 3.


However. Then came on that said "listening for an audio code for your play three."Then came on that said "listening for an audio code for your play 3." No sound played. And then it tried an alternative connection. Having me push on the mute button that was flashing. That did not work either. So now I am stuck


Any suggestions anyone?

Same experience.   These genius’s at Sonos have taken a blue chip product and destroyed it.   I’m fed up and looking to migrate one of my two locations off SONOS.    


The fact that they deny the existence of the problem is the key problem. 

A less critical by symptomatic problem is the tiny print of Serial numbers on the Amps.   You have to enter this number when adding an amp and it’s impossible to read without twisting and turning the amp to catch the light.  Another idiotic move.  

in our company we say beware of the “better” when the “good” works perfectly.  Sonos used to work perfectly.