Music Library not updating after scanning

  • 16 February 2020
  • 24 replies

I have a WD MyCloud NAS on which I store Music ripped from my CD collection. Until recently it has updated satisfactorily when I have added new CDs. However this has stopped working.

Using my Android MyCloud app I can see the new folders and content on the NAS but when I update my index on my Android app the new folders do not appear.

When I go Settings > Music Library > Update Music Library Now > Scan Now

I get Updating Index in gray and Compilation Albums updating in gray but after the process is finished the added CDs do not appear in the index.

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24 replies


  • the new files are in a format not supported by Sonos.
  • the metadata (tags) in the new files are not configured correctly
  • the library index is full (a hard limit of 65k tracks, lower if tag values or filenames are particularly long)

Thanks for the quick reply Ratty.

I am using the same ripping software for the CDs so the formats and metadata should be unchanged.

I have approx 200 albums say an average of 15 tracks per album so, 3000 tracks even with long filenames does not come near the 65k limit.

I thought you might be using the same ripping process as before, but I had to mention it. The track count is relatively small, so index capacity can’t be the issue. 

This may sound a bit drastic, but I would try removing the share entirely from the Sonos library, then adding it back again. This will force a full re-scan, rather than an incremental one. With 3k tracks it shouldn’t take long. 

Userlevel 6
Badge +4


On my setup I’ve set the Music Library to automatically update its content every day at a convenient time as my NAS receives podcasts via RSS and I’ve not noticed this problem you’ve encountered.  I Group Albums using Album Artists and sort folders by Song Number.

In the desktop settings there’s a tick box called Music Library Permissions with the message ‘Fix permissions on music files so that Sonos can always access them.’  Now I don’t know what this does, but it might be worth a look to see if it helps in your situation.  I googled the bit in single quotes and it took me here: but this didn’t really seem to provide a specific way this button works.

Hope it helps in your case.

Hi Ratty

Tried removing the Library Set Up and re-entering, after the rescan nothing had changed - same old folder index. Out of curiousity checked with app on my smart phone just the same.


User 933635

I cannot find Music Library Permissions on the Sonos Android app. Please advise were it is or is on another platfirm such as OIS?



Hi Ratty

Tried removing the Library Set Up and re-entering, after the rescan nothing had changed - same old folder index. Out of curiousity checked with app on my smart phone just the same.

In the Folders view are the new folders/files not visible at all? Are they in fact part of the same directory tree as the rest of the library?



User 933635

I cannot find Music Library Permissions on the Sonos Android app. Please advise were it is or is on another platfirm such as OIS?

It’s an option in the desktop controller and just relates to files on the local computer. 


Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Hi Ratty

Tried removing the Library Set Up and re-entering, after the rescan nothing had changed - same old folder index. Out of curiousity checked with app on my smart phone just the same.

In the Folders view are the new folders/files not visible at all? Are they in fact part of the same directory tree as the rest of the library?



User 933635

I cannot find Music Library Permissions on the Sonos Android app. Please advise were it is or is on another platfirm such as OIS?

It’s an option in the desktop controller and just relates to files on the local computer. 



Yes, the ‘Fix permissions on music files so that Sonos can always access them’ is on the PC program (app) but you’ll have to explain further to convince me that this just relates to files on the local computer.  It’s a setting in the ‘Advanced’ tab in ‘Music Library Settings’  On my system I only index a folder on a NAS so if this related to local files, why would it be available?

Not saying you’re wrong, but can you explain what this ‘Fix...’ does?  It’s not explained here


An exotic character in a track or file name can cause the indexing process to terminate. Your recently added tracks would be the first items to check. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

I have a WD MyCloud (3tb) and have added albums within the past couple of days with no issues (latest Sonos update 10.6) also on Android (S8 Phone).

May be an odd file name as said above?.

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Could be as simple as this!  Hopefully...

Guys Thanks for your replies,


If I look at the tree with the WD App I can see the folders and music files, same if I look using PC File Manager but not with the Sonos app on my Android tablet and smart phone,


There are no exotic characters in the new folder names or files.

User 933635

The 'Fix permissions on music files' button does not appear on the Android app. I am having trouble with the Sonos app on my PC. The best course of action would be to resolve that problem. I shall start a separate thread on that subject.

Stevea S,

Go to http://[IP address of a player]:1400/support/review then open the line for each player and go to Zone Player Info and look at IdxTrk for each player. Normally these fields are blank. If there is an entry in one of these fields it is an indication about where the indexer terminated. Be sure to check all of the players because one player will take charge of the process, then copy the index to the other players at the end.

Stevea S,

Go to http://[IP address of a player]:1400/support/review then open the line for each player and go to Zone Player Info and look at IdxTrk for each player. Normally these fields are blank. If there is an entry in one of these fields it is an indication about where the indexer terminated. Be sure to check all of the players because one player will take charge of the process, then copy the index to the other players at the end.

To clarify - are you saying that, if that field is blank on all players then the indexing finished correctly? If so, this would be useful to me, as I keep having to juggle music around due to the limits on store.

Would it still be blank if the system just run out of track/store, as opposed to any other form of indexing error?

For convenience one can go straight to http://[Associated_IP]:1400/status/zp to examine the IdxTrk property. Check the controller’s About info for the Associated node’s IP. Do so after the indexing scan, as the Associated node can change.


If I look at the tree with the WD App I can see the folders and music files, same if I look using PC File Manager but not with the Sonos app on my Android tablet and smart phone,


Can you see the missing folders using the Sonos app by going thru Browse → Music Library → Folders then clicking on //WDMYCLOUD/… and navigating to the folders? It wasn’t clear if you’d tried this.


What app did you use for ripping in the first place?


Cheers, Peter.

Yes Peter,

I meant by browsing WDMyCloud using the Windows 10 file manager I can see all the recently saved folder and music files.

If I browse using my Android File Manager the folders and music files can be seen

Howevee when I use the Sonos app they do not appear. I am referring only to folders and files that I have created in the last few months. All previously stored folders can be seen.

I am using Freeac Audio Converter

Yes Peter,

I meant by browsing WDMyCloud using the Windows 10 file manager I can see all the recently saved folder and music files.

If I browse using my Android File Manager the folders and music files can be seen

Howevee when I use the Sonos app they do not appear. I am referring only to folders and files that I have created in the last few months. All previously stored folders can be seen.

I am using Freeac Audio Converter

It might possibly be the file format or metadata are the types supported: 

Supported Audio Formats

Sonos also limits the amount of characters allotted for each field of the metadata. This is due to memory allocations for the 65,000 track limit.

Field Name Max Characters

Artists 76

Album 92

Track 100

Genre 22

File name 100

I think we’ve eliminated the obvious. The OP is using the same ripper, with the same settings, as before. His library is only ~3k tracks.

If no clues are forthcoming I’d recommend a diagnostic submission and asking Sonos Support to take a look. There could be telltale fingerprints in one of the logs.

Badge +20

I may be stating the obvious but the newly ripped tracks and folders have been put into the original music share? can see the track in Windows but do they actually play back in Windows?

Just to complete the picture. Most responders to this problem have focused on file name etc. Personally I don’t see that as the issue - may be I’m wrong.

However to assist any further thoughts. Here is a fragment of a screen shot taken of my Sonos App Music Index

If we compare to this screen shot taken with my Web Browser

You will notice several folders that do not appear in the Music Index (lets not get judgemental about my tastes in music!).

The file names seem regular

If no one has further suggestions I will contact Sonos directly.


Badge +20

WMA - meh!


seriously though what is the bitrate and has this changed since the original rips / has the ripping software automatically updated and changed output settings?

Steve S,

Using a SONOS Controller go to the “Folders” view of your library. Are the missing tracks visible here?

Did this issue get resolved? If so, can the solution be shared? I am having the exact problems as Stevea S, only difference that I can tell is that I  am using  Exact Audio to rip my CDs and formatting to .flac.  I have tried re-indexing, deleting and adding the library, using a different computer, upgrading software….nothing seems to make a difference.