It seems these forums are littered with SONOS app complaints and issues around similar topics to this. The (older orange) Windows app worked fine setting up and detecting my Music Library at //mybooklive/public/shared music. I could also work in fine using the Web app.
The (newer black) iOS app however has been an absolute headache.
First, when I tried //mybooklive/public/shared music, it just wouldn’t recognise the pathway… so I replaced the space with an underscore _ and now it is recognising it. However, it comes and goes regularly.
This morning, it’s still there, but despite this I cannot find and use the Music Library. The app is recognising the pathway, but not displaying any music from it on my iPad or iPhone. The windows app and the web app still both work fine.
What gives? What happened to SONOS? A basic requirement so fundamentally broken 😠