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Music folder Error 1002

  • 28 December 2020
  • 1 reply

“Adding music folder…

Error adding music

The music folder could not be added

Reason: unable to add shared folder // Laptop - ****** /error 1002”


Today I updated the version of the Sonos app on my computer (which already works badly).

After the update I found that my music folder was deleted, and when I tried to reach it this error appeared. I've tried disabling firewalls and reinstalling apps entirely, I use a laptop with Windows10

Any idea what it can do?

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1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +16

Hi @Stefano Ita.

Thanks for reaching out, let me check it for you.

The Sonos app can show Error 1001 or Error 1002 when your Sonos system is having trouble connecting to the music library on your computer or NAS drive. These errors usually occur when the computer or NAS drive is either offline or having trouble maintaining a reliable connection to the network.


If you see Error 1001 or 1002 when using your music library:

  • Check your computer or NAS and make sure that it’s powered on and awake.
  • If your music library is stored on a computer that’s connected to WiFi, make sure it has a strong wireless connection to the router.
  • A firewall can block Sonos from properly connecting to the computer. If a firewall is installed on your computer, make sure it’s configured for Sonos by following these steps.

You can find more information in our article on troubleshooting problems with the music library.


Let me know how that goes.