
Multi Disc Import Error

I have had sonos for some time. Update issues required me to delete and reinstall latest version 15.5

Music library on Synology.

Just imported some new music with multiple discs per folder/album. These are displayed properly in itunes. Sonos has the songs in the wrong order. 1,1,1 (from disc 1,2,3) then 2,2,2 etc.

I have other multi disc albums from prior imports that are displayed correctly. In addition, the metadata for the new incorrectly displayed albums looks the same as the previously imported multi disc albums.

Thanks for any help.


Best answer by buzz 21 July 2023, 02:47

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4 replies

You’ll need to edit the metadata. There are fields for disc number and track number.

Thanks buzz.


As I said, the metadata for the new imports (displayed incorrectly for some reason) is exactly the same as the metadata for the old imports(displayed correctly).

The disc and song numbers are all correct in the metadata.

I can post screenshots of the metadata if necessary, but it is indeed correct.


Userlevel 7
Badge +22

As always try a reboot of all Sonos and NAS as a first step, stale data is often a vexing issue.

In the same direction, force a new index operation to make sure that is cleared out.

If not submit a diagnostic as soon as you verify the issue still exists and ask Support to look at your hidden internal data.

Make sure that there is no recycle folder on the NAS. If the recycle folder is scanned first, the latest metadata edits will be ignored — as duplicate files.