We have a Sonos Port in our living room, a Sonos One in our kitchen and an IKEA Symfonisk in our kid’s bedroom (all up to date). We usually listen to the live streamed radio station Sveriges Radio in the mornings. The stream keeps jumping, I think it’s back in time. More than an hour is my guess. This always happens out of the blue. Some mornings it doesn’t happen, some mornings it can happen so many times you just want to go buy and old school FM radio and retire the Sonos speakers (not really, but you get the frustration ).
When this happens I’ve never found an issue with Sveriges Radio at status.sonos.com, it seems like it’s a bug somewhere. I don’t know if it’s on the Sonos side of things or at Sveriges Radio’s side, but it’s pretty annoying and I don’t seem to be alone.
I searched the community before writing this, and found at least one person with the exact same issue. It’s in Swedish: https://en.community.sonos.com/old-sonos-svenska-forum-229125/naer-ska-sveriges-radio-boerja-fungera-6844060
Do I have any fellow users with the same kind of issue or does anyone have any advice on how to take this further?
Kind regards,