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Has anyone been able to add their iTunes Music Library to Sonos using Sonos instructions? I’ve tried repeatedly and it still will not connect.

Which instructions are you using?

Hi @Marxpix, welcome to the Sonos Community!

Sorry to hear you’re having trouble getting your music library connected to Sonos. As @106rallye suggested, we’ll need some more information on what instructions you’re using and what step the process is failing at.

Our support article for Adding your Music Library to Sonos has the steps on how to add your music folder, which are:

  1. From the Manage menu, select Music Library Settings.
  2. Under the section for “My music folders on Sonos,” select + (plus) on macOS, or Add if you are using Windows.
  3. Select Networked device (ex. NAS drive).
  4. Type the network path for your shared music folder and select Next.
  5. Enter the username and password for the account used to share the music folder.

If you follow these steps, does this allow you to use your music library within Sonos? If not, do you get any specific error message or code? If you can reply back here with the error code or a screenshot of the setup failing, then I or another community member can provide further support.