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I’ve never had a problem importing iTunes and its playlists until now.

I total, my music library consists of about 61,000 music tracks.I’ve added probably a 1,000 or so tracks recently.

I’ve got about 400-500 playlists. Most of them only have 40 to 50 songs on, although the largest is abut 150 songs. In total there are about 12,000 songs incorporated in those playlists.

My iTunes management of those playlists places all of the artist specific playlists in an “Artist” subfolder, and all of the themed playlists (like songs about summer, etc) in a “Themed Playlists” subfolder.

This has all uploaded to Sonos without any issues- well the occasional fail, but soon sorted and loaded again.

Recently, I’ve added about 20 playlists. But I’ve also deleted about 100.

Now, when I update the music library, it can’t complete, as it says it doesn’t have enough memory to do it. It loads all of the music but only about 90% of the Artist playlists and none of the Themed playlists. When I run the update to the music library it’s always stopping at exactly the same playlist.

When I look at the imported playlists in Sonos, the playlists that have come though look ok- although there are two folders called “Downloaded”, which appear to include all my films and TV programmes, which of course won’t play or can’t be found, because they are not music files. I don’t know where these folders/playlists originate from, so I can’t delete them.

All my music is in mp3 format.

So what’s going on? How do I get rid of the Downloaded items? What’s changed to prevent all of the playlists from uploading?


Any thoughts gratefully pondered upon.




Hi @Mr Keith 

Thanks for your post!

There is a limit of approximately 65,000 tracks that can be indexed by Sonos via Music Library. This limit is not defined by the number of tracks, however, but by the amount of memory it takes to index them and their metadata.

Playlist entries take addition memory space, so I think you are most likely hitting the limit of how many tracks and playlists can be held in memory.

To counter this, I recommend the use of Plex Server - Plex will index your music folder and is available as a music service that can be added to Sonos. This will remove the 65,000 track limit as Sonos is no longer doing the indexing.

I hope this helps.


I use Plex, I only want this as a back up.

But what I don't understand at all is why it worked perfectly well with the same number of tracks previously but when I've taken out a net 90 playlists, it now runs out of memory.

Even more bizarrely, I went through tags yesterday and took out a lot of unnecessary metadata, and then when I update it, it loads even fewer playlists than the previous attempts.

That's counter intuitive.




Hi @Mr Keith 

It certainly is counter-intuitive!

It may help to completely remove the existing share, then add it again, but I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and what it reports - there will be system logs indicating if something has gone wrong, or if the memory is full.