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Is there a way to revert to the previous Sonos Mobile app on iphone..? 

Thankfully, we can use our desktop app for now, which I am definitely NOT updating!

But this new mobile app version is unusable -- whoever designed it and whoever approved its release should be fired, it’s that bad!

Please advise on ways to revert to the previous version. 

Sonos if you’re listening, please make this easy by posting the previous version on your downloads page for those of us (i.e., ALL of your users) who find the new version to be unusable and want to revert.  THANK YOU!

They should re-release the working app. Or list third party alternatives. Been using Sonos on my iPad for years. Can’t do that any more. afaik there is no solution for ios, other than “please be patient”.


Bring back the working app! Sonos already has one!

Were you ever able to get a Sonos S1 app back on your phone and get it working on your system biodiversitydad?

btw, I’ve been using “Sonopad” on my ipad - it’s great! doesn’t have all the features of the S2 app, but it’s even better for queue management, playing stuff….

Were you ever able to get a Sonos S1 app back on your phone and get it working on your system biodiversitydad?

Older speakers can now be downgraded from S2 to S1 using the tool that was added in the app update last week. They can then be operated by the S1 app, still available at the App Store.

This is great news! I’m going to revert to the S1 app on my iPhone as soon as I have time!
