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So far as I can tell, it is still impossible to add an album from Idagio to the Sonos queue.   Will this be fixed any time soon?  Classical/opera streaming doesn't really work if you have to add dozens of separate tracks to a queue in order to hear the entire piece.  

Hello @PeterH123, welcome to the Sonos Community!

I’m sorry to hear you are experiencing an issue with adding an album to the Sonos queue while using the IDAGIO music service.

We are aware of this issue and are currently working on a fix. I do not have an ETA to provide though.

Thank you for the post and I will make sure to reply here when I’ve got an update in regards to this issue for you.

I hope this helps.

I raised this issue when this disastrous app was first released in May.  Please can you prioritise this simple feature. 

I have been a Sonos fan from the start, last count I have at least 15 Sonos devices across 2 systems (not including those that were obsoleted by S2) and feel I can no longer recommend the product. 

I also have this problem with the IDAGIO music service on the app. Playing one track at a time is worse than flipping the vinyl on my 1962 Zenith HiFi’s turntable! But, moreover, the new Sonos app has all kinds of other problems too, ranging from failing to load to unreliable groups to music fading in and out across zones to difficulty updating. Unfortunately, my A/V team recommended Sonos back when they built my personal music system with an A/V rack. I have about 20 Sonos products as part of the system, and I’ve invested more than $100K so far. But the Sonos app makes it almost worthless! You gotta wonder who’s in charge of this company, given it’s a pretty much a joke.

It’s now nearly 2025 and the lack of basic functionality for a classical music service has still not been redressed! What lover of classical music plays “greatest hits”? You listen to the WHOLE symphony/concerto/opera without having to reselect the next movement. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Especially an Opera.  Could have a serious number of tracks.

As a work around you could Airplay Idagio to your Sonos speakers….

Does Idagio not do playlists that could be carried over to Sonos?

And not be able to stream lossless over AirPlay?

Moreover, you have to juggle the two apps to control it. It is not possible to group speakers on the IDAGIO app. Not a very high tech solution!

This has been going on for months. It worked in the old app. What have you done to it, Sonos?