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I bought a pi zero 2 w and installed samba.  I put my music in the music folder on the SD card with the OS.  The pi zero has a static ip and the smb.conf file has ntlm=yes in the global section.  Sonos accepts the music share but all of the folders are empty (i.e. songs, artists, genres, etc).  Can someone help resolve this?  I have a Sonos one, a move, a beam and a play 1.  They all play nice with the Sonos app but the app doesn't display the music.

Have you tried doing a forum search for example smb.conf files? IIRC you need to set the permissions so that any remote access will have read access at minimum - I think the default if you don’t is no permission for anybody to do anything remotely.

Thank you for your reply.  Yes, I set up the pi according to the info on this Github thread:  That was 5 yrs ago and I'm wondering if the settings need to change.

My guess, is you have the correct permissions to the SMB share, but the user you are connecting to doesn’t have access to the files within the share, hence Sonos system can see the ‘share’ but not the ‘files’

OK, if I am understanding correctly,  the files in the share need to belong to the pi user?  I don't know Linux well, how would I change that?

Could it be related to directory tree depth?  The music is arranged as artist/album/song.

OK, if I am understanding correctly,  the files in the share need to belong to the pi user?  I don't know Linux well, how would I change that?

Thank you, everyone.    I'll look into this and report back.

I have partially solved the problem by changing the permissions on the files.  Now I can see the subdirectories but no files or directories below that.  However, it is not a Sonos problem.   I can't see them when I access the share from windows or Android either.  I'll keep working on it. It's a ownership or permission issue.
