
Can't add folder to music library (913)

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Userlevel 1

When I try the steps above I get a “Your Folder Can’t be Shared” error.  Anyone else experience that?


Update: Okay, I went into advanced sharing and allowed full access to the folder and it was able to be shared.  However, I still get the 913 error.

I'm having the same problem!

Tried the chat bot this morning. Only help they can give you is to remove and reinstall the app, which I’ve already done yesterday. They suggest the only thing to do is a remote session via phone call. Tried that yesterday and was on hold for 2 hours. Going to have another go this morning.

Hi I did that yesterday and it felt very intrusive and made me uncomfortable.  They created two user accounts in Windows and I still can’t figure out why they created two.


Userlevel 1
Badge +1

My music library was on my ReadyNAS Duo years ago. 
loaded some music onto it from the Mac.  Folder permissions look good.

I can play the NAS music in the Mac’s music app.


sonos app on the Mac is still denied access to the folders (913)

Whatever is going on! Shame on you Sonos.

I play my music from a folder on my C: drive. (Windows 10 OS) I went to the ‘share’ settings through the right click properties menu. Gave the said folder full share permissions (can’t remember the exact steps - just followed my gut. 

Then back to the Sonos app on my PC. then Manage - then Music library settings.

Navigated to my folder of music files, set it as my choice. 

Then Update Music Library Now. Got the spinning ‘I’m thinking’ wheel. Waited. Waited some more.Still more spinning. Assumed that nothing would eventuate. Made a cuppa and came back expecting the worst.


My music library is back, just as it was before and I can play whatever I choose.

I’m no computer whiz so I was amazed when it worked and made my first ever post to any discussion forum.

Userlevel 1

Good luck with that!  Let me know if they help you figure it out!


Userlevel 1

My music library was on my ReadyNAS Duo years ago. 
loaded some music onto it from the Mac.  Folder permissions look good.

I can play the NAS music in the Mac’s music app.


sonos app on the Mac is still denied access to the folders (913)

Whatever is going on! Shame on you Sonos.

What were they thinking?!!

Userlevel 1

I used to use Zune.  I really liked that software.  I don't know why they had to discontinue it.

Same here, but thanks to PaulRB371 and HelpingIsKind I fixed it in 2 minutes. Here’s how:

  1. I have a PC. Not a Mac.
  2. Find a music folder that you want to “share” with SONOS (i.e. navigate to the folder on the PC).
  3. Right click on the folder
  4. Select “Properties” from menu
  5. Select “Sharing” tab
  6. Click “Share...” button (opens “Network Access” window)
  7. Select your SONOS system from the pulldown menu in the center of the window.
  8. Click “Share” button at the bottom of the “Network Access” window 
  9. It took SONOS 10 minutes to add my library of 10K+ songs


Thank you, Scrubbrush, your suggestion worked perfectly. Much appreciated

Userlevel 2

I just wish there was a similarly straightforward fix for those of us with a Mac...

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

Same here, but thanks to PaulRB371 and HelpingIsKind I fixed it in 2 minutes. Here’s how:

  1. I have a PC. Not a Mac.
  2. Find a music folder that you want to “share” with SONOS (i.e. navigate to the folder on the PC).
  3. Right click on the folder
  4. Select “Properties” from menu
  5. Select “Sharing” tab
  6. Click “Share...” button (opens “Network Access” window)
  7. Select your SONOS system from the pulldown menu in the center of the window.
  8. Click “Share” button at the bottom of the “Network Access” window 
  9. It took SONOS 10 minutes to add my library of 10K+ songs


Fantastic! Running the new app and firmware update and I was unable to re-add my library after it disappeared. Seen lots of posts about adding a Sonos user account etc. to get past the 913 error code, but your simple solution solved it. Many thanks. Just one thing to add - ensure you give Sonos read and write permissions when giving it network access.

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

I’ve been trying the method of Scrubbrush for a week now.  It has never worked for me.  Message:  “Your folder cannot be shared.”


I’ve also lost all my favorites as well as all my radio stations from Tunedin when I automatically updated the Sonos app on my Pixel 8 and on my Ipad Air 2.


Is there a way to roll back the Sonus app?  It worked 1000% better then.

My Sonos system is used almost exclusively for playing music in my iMac music library.  

The app updates for my iMac and my iPad have completely screwed the connection between the system and my music library, so I now have a number of black “bricks” around the the house that do absolutely nothing.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app on my Mac, but still get the 913 error message, and am unable to reinstate my music library on the Sonos system.

The lack of any apparent urgency from Sonos to fix this major blunder is astonishing!

The same situation here (macOS 14.5, Sonos controller 16.2)

It is mind boggling that this is broken and Sonos does not provide a work around.

Userlevel 3

According to an article in The Independent yesterday (25th May 2024) SONOS says “it is “moving quickly” to improve its new app, after an update that led to widespread outcry”.

In addition..”It said that it was “fixing bugs and performance issues” while working to add features back into the app. A new update, released earlier this week, brings back support for Apple accessibility features, the option to play music from a local library and the option to add and edit alarms, for instance.”

“Our latest update resolves some of the most critical known issues, but know we have more to do,” the company said. “We hear your feedback and are working hard to deliver the experience you expect and deserve.”

Anybody got the update and installed it?. I checked yesterday, and several times this morning, but no sign of any updates to V80 of the App or V16.2 on my Mac (I’m in the UK if that makes any difference to a release).

More smoke and mirrors from Mr Spence me-thinks while he pockets our cash..


Same here, but thanks to PaulRB371 and HelpingIsKind I fixed it in 2 minutes. Here’s how:

  1. I have a PC. Not a Mac.
  2. Find a music folder that you want to “share” with SONOS (i.e. navigate to the folder on the PC).
  3. Right click on the folder
  4. Select “Properties” from menu
  5. Select “Sharing” tab
  6. Click “Share...” button (opens “Network Access” window)
  7. Select your SONOS system from the pulldown menu in the center of the window.
  8. Click “Share” button at the bottom of the “Network Access” window 
  9. It took SONOS 10 minutes to add my library of 10K+ songs


Fantastic! Running the new app and firmware update and I was unable to re-add my library after it disappeared. Seen lots of posts about adding a Sonos user account etc. to get past the 913 error code, but your simple solution solved it. Many thanks. Just one thing to add - ensure you give Sonos read and write permissions when giving it network access.

Thank you so much for this little addendum: Just one thing to add - ensure you give Sonos read and write permissions when giving it network access.

That is what made it work finally!

Después de primero pensar que me habían hackeado pues al querer actualizar mi biblioteca, me aparecio que otro usuario estaba utilizando la APP Sonos, que cerrara la aplicación desde la otra cuenta, finalmente me llevo horas escanear mi laptop y nada, después de muchisimas horas de investigar hoy 26 de Mayo del 2024 por fin pude solucionarlo de forma sencilla con algunos aportes visto aqui (esto es para Windows 10) les enumerare los pasos a seguir:

1.- Ir a la carpeta donde tienen su música

2.- Dar click derecho y seleccionar (click en)  propiedades

3.- En la ventana que se abre dar click en  la pestaña compartir

4.- en la ventana que se abre, nuevamente dar click en Compartir

5.- Nuevamente se abre una ventana con el título de PERSONAS CON QUIEN SE DESEA COMPARTIR, a un lado de agregar en la barra que aparece en blanco simplemente escribir Sonos

6.- Aparecera el nombre de Sonos HiFi wirlless Transfer o algo por el estilo

7.- Lo seleccionan y dan click en agregar

8.- Ya aparecera en la ventana inferior como algo o alguien mas con quien se quiere compartir, entonces dan click en aceptar y ESO ES TODO.

9.- Se van y abren la aplicacion de Sonos, despues los pasos que ya saben para gestionar la biblioteca, sea añadir o actualizar. 


Moderator edit:
Google Translate-

After first thinking that I had been hacked because when I wanted to update my library, it appeared that another user was using the Sonos APP, so I had to close the application from the other account, finally it took me hours to scan my laptop and nothing, after many hours of investigate today, May 26, 2024, I was finally able to solve it easily with some contributions seen here (this is for Windows 10) I will list the steps to follow:

1.- Go to the folder where you have your music

2.- Right click and select (click on) properties

3.- In the window that opens, click on the share tab

4.- in the window that opens, click on Share again

5.- Again a window opens with the title PEOPLE WITH WHOM YOU WANT TO SHARE, next to add in the bar that appears blank, simply write Sonos

6.- The name Sonos HiFi wirlless Transfer or something like that will appear

7.- Select it and click add

8.- It will appear in the lower window as something or someone else with whom you want to share, then click accept and THAT'S ALL.

9.- They go and open the Sonos application, then follow the steps they already know to manage the library, whether adding or updating.




Thanks to the Sonos community and DXNY for the Windows fix -- really quite simple. I don’t understand: a.) how Sonos’ update team didn’t have a test bed to catch this problem; b.) didn’t send out a prior notification of this kind of change; c.) didn’t embed a notice in the actual update itself; d.) could have sent out an update of this type just before a long weekend; e.) made users wait for 2+ hours for support call assistance; and f.) by now have sent out an apology to users for the disruption. Somebody in the service and support team needs to be looking for a new job.

Userlevel 2
Badge +2


I finally got this to work as changing the file sharing properties alone didn’t work and I was still left with the 913 error.

What I did was create a new music folder on C:drive then transfer all my content into that folder and delete the old one then followed the above steps and it worked.

Here is the solution for Windows for the local library error bug with code (913), read the image from left to right.


thanks it worked for me can play my music from pc and phone app again i dont understand french but i figured it out

Userlevel 1

All dead!  So I reinstalled my wired Bose for my Master Bath until the big fix! 

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

Curses to Sonos.  What a terrible company.  Never again.

I’m bailing out.  Denon, Bose, audioengine, Echo...anything but Sonos.

Just received my new Sonos 5 today.  I already have a couple play 1s and a couple old 5s.  To my extreme disappointment, while trying to add my new speaker, I was forced to do some updates.  Those updates ruined my connection to my library on my newer mac.  I have tried everything under sun, yet I cannot get past the 913 error code to restore the connection to my library.  It sure would be nice if SONOS could just be upfront and let us know when this will be corrected.  I almost never use my streamers, so my speaker collection is now my brick collection.  Please help.

The sonos app is really terrible. my music folders disappeared and I get error 913 when I try to add it. After I shared, I was able to add one folder. But I cannot add another with was already there. There seems to be a cache of the folder name and I have to change the folder name. The worst experience. Built without any UX in mind

Userlevel 2

Same here, but thanks to PaulRB371 and HelpingIsKind I fixed it in 2 minutes. Here’s how:

  1. I have a PC. Not a Mac.
  2. Find a music folder that you want to “share” with SONOS (i.e. navigate to the folder on the PC).
  3. Right click on the folder
  4. Select “Properties” from menu
  5. Select “Sharing” tab
  6. Click “Share...” button (opens “Network Access” window)
  7. Select your SONOS system from the pulldown menu in the center of the window.
  8. Click “Share” button at the bottom of the “Network Access” window 
  9. It took SONOS 10 minutes to add my library of 10K+ songs


Hi Scrubbrush, my problem is my options on my NAS drive don’t look like that, they look like the below. I’m stumped.


I shared the folders. But it did not help. I want to link a folder on dropbox connected to my computer. 

I have an iMac and like all of you keep getting the 913 I am a novice as far as computers are concerned  so difficult to follow all the tecky stuff.  I use the Mac for my Sonos that I have throughout my house, 3 play ones, play five and play three and a roam and can't get it working because of 913.  up until now I have been so happy with my Sonos but if I hadn't invested so much money in the system would not  recommend it to anyone.  Should we be talking about compensation here, Its been two weeks or more since the 913 why can't they get the fix out quicker - tis a worry 
