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BBC stations not featuring on Radioplayer Station List

As of this week, I have not been able to access BBC radio stations on the Radioplayer service. When I look at the A-Z Station List, there are no BBC stations listed. They are listed on the Radioplayer website. Am I the only person with this problem? Is there any way to get the BBC stations back?

I would switch to BBC Sounds, but it does not appear to be possible to add stations to “My Sonos” using the Android S1 phone app.

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19 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +12

I have the same problem using S1  so you are not on your own. In addition whilst it seems possible to add to My Radio shows (evidenced by the fact that it won't allow a second addition) “My Radio Shows” do not seem to be on any menu.


Same here – Lost BBC stations via Radioplayer earlier this week. I’ve reconfigured my alarms to use myTuner. I hope it’s something that will resolve itself as it connects (for me) much more quickly...

Me also but I found out today that BBC Sounds can now be listened to directly on SONOS. Just needs adding as a “Service”. I presume this is why it has been systematically removed from Radioplayer. It’s good quality and displays track names and album art. Good stuff

Me also but I found out today that BBC Sounds can now be listened to directly on SONOS. Just needs adding as a “Service”. I presume this is why it has been systematically removed from Radioplayer. It’s good quality and displays track names and album art. Good stuff

Thanks Clouseaux - that’s great. Having access to the personalisation of my BBC Sounds account is a real bonus (and it solves the Radioplayer query). 

Userlevel 1

I can’t add a station from BBC Sounds to My Sonos.  Does anyone else have that problem?

Are you in the UK? Your profile doesn’t say, and the BBC has region restricted it. 

Userlevel 1

Are you in the UK? Your profile doesn’t say, and the BBC has region restricted it. 

Assuming you’re replying to me ( thank you!), yes I’m in the UK.

Indeed, I was. Since you are in the UK, and if BBC sounds isn’t appearing for you, I’d suggest logging in to your account on, and ensuring that your address is stored in the account properly, as Sonos does use that country information to filter what is presented to you when you ‘add a music service’. 

However, if you’re merely having issues adding a single station to ‘My Sonos’, I’m afraid someone else will need to chime in, I don’t use that aspect of the system, so I’m unfamiliar with it.

I can’t add a station from BBC Sounds to My Sonos.  Does anyone else have that problem?

I also had this issue initially; I solved it by playing the station or content, they tapping on the ellipsis on the playing screen (not sure what else to call that?!), from where I was able to add it to My Sonos. Hopefully it’ll work for you also. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

This is a bug or a feature... who knows!

It isn't possible to save Sounds stations to My Sonos. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

This is a bug or a feature... who knows!

It isn't possible to save Sounds stations to My Sonos. 

Music services (eg BBC Sounds) determine themselves whether any item can be added as a Favorite, so this is the BBC’s bug or feature.

This is a bug or a feature... who knows!

It isn't possible to save Sounds stations to My Sonos. 

I did discover that a user can ‘favourite’ the ‘Listen Live’ area from the BBC Service to the ‘My Sonos’ area by selecting/enabling the ‘star’ in the service.

I can’t get the Money Box podcasts to work here, for some reason?

Ah I reauthorised my BBC Sounds service and the Money Box podcast is working now - I think it ‘might’ be a case of one ‘BBC Sounds; account per Sonos HH (perhaps?).. I had added the service to more than one Sonos HH.

Userlevel 1

I can’t add a station from BBC Sounds to My Sonos.  Does anyone else have that problem?

I also had this issue initially; I solved it by playing the station or content, they tapping on the ellipsis on the playing screen (not sure what else to call that?!), from where I was able to add it to My Sonos. Hopefully it’ll work for you also. 

Yup, that works.  Thank you.  It feels like a bug, as I can’t see any reason why this should be necessary.

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

I can’t add a station from BBC Sounds to My Sonos.  Does anyone else have that problem?

I also had this issue initially; I solved it by playing the station or content, they tapping on the ellipsis on the playing screen (not sure what else to call that?!), from where I was able to add it to My Sonos. Hopefully it’ll work for you also. 

Yup, that works.  Thank you.  It feels like a bug, as I can’t see any reason why this should be necessary.

Another way is to long-click on the station entries in Recently Played and at it to My Sonos that way. As you say it certainly seems to be a bug that prevents you doing it at source.

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Hi, I work in the BBC Sound product team.

We fixed the issue of not being able to add a BBC station via the ellipsis to My Stations. You can now add stations without having to play them first, in the usual way. Apologies for that!

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

Hi, I work in the BBC Sound product team.

We fixed the issue of not being able to add a BBC station via the ellipsis to My Stations. You can now add stations without having to play them first, in the usual way. Apologies for that!


Thanks Chris, and indeed thanks for this tighter integration - having the ‘now playing’ info in particular is most welcome!

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

What's this now playing info you mention? 

Is it the useless pictures which replace the station logo? 

Radio 4 currently has a night view of the BBC building - nothing about the actual program on air.


Userlevel 2
Badge +2

What's this now playing info you mention? 


Radio 1 and 2 (presumably others too) show the track name and album art for whatever music is playing at the time. I suppose Radio 4 doesn't(?) play music hence why it's different?