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I cannot add BBC Sounds to my content services.

  • I found my address was set to Norway (an issue in itself) and corrected it. No joy,
  • I removed the app, restarted my phone and reinstalled the app. No joy,
  • I have no problem finding a place to add the service - there seem to be several of them - it simply is never listed.

Maybe the only solution is to deleted my entire Sonos profile and start over with a different email address - maybe one of my ,co,uk ones. But, I shouldn’t have to do that!

Can you confirm that the address that you changed was within your Sonos profile in  If yes, it would be worth powering down your devices for 30 secs and retrying after they boot back up.  Please don’t factory reset your devices or delete your account, this will reduce the diagnostic information available to Sonos support.

My account was the only place I could find to change it - it doesn’t seem to appear in the app on either my phone or my tablet.

I powered down both the phone & the tablet for well over a minute to no avail. Did you intend me to power down the speaker as well?

My account was the only place I could find to change it - it doesn’t seem to appear in the app on either my phone or my tablet.

I powered down both the phone & the tablet for well over a minute to no avail. Did you intend me to power down the speaker as well?

Yes please, sorry for not being clear.

Still no joy.

Still no joy.

It can take up to 15 mins for the change in address to have an impact.  Can you try one more time please.

At last!


  • Ensure the account has the correct country
  • Turn off all Sonos devices and phones & tablets running the Sonos App
  • Wait at least 15 minutes
  • With luck it will be fixed!

I also have the problem of not being able to add the BBC sounds app to my content services.  I changed my profile address to the UK - I noticed this was default set to the USA - and I’ve turned the speaker off and on and I’ve turned my phone off and on and finally made sure the speaker (era 100) had the latest software update but still I cannot add BBC sounds. And yes I live in the UK. I shall call Sonos support on Monday unless anyone on this forum can help me. thank you.

It can sometimes take 15 - 20 mins for the change of location to be effective, please try adding again.

I've now waited almost 24 hours and the problem remains.

I've now waited almost 24 hours and the problem remains.


And to be sure, you are following the steps in this article:

I've now waited almost 24 hours and the problem remains.


I had to turn absolutely

everything off - the speaker (all speakers if you have more than one), and stop the app running on both my phone & tablet.

Yes I've turned absolutely everything off and back on again including the era 100 itself of course, my phone,  internet router and everything that's connected to my network. I've reinstalled the sonos app. I've flowed all the instructions on the sonos help page and all the instructions on this forum too.  I give up now and if sonos cant help me on monday - when their help line opens - the era 100 is going back for a refund. (Bought from john Lewis by the way which is a relief as they have a no quibble return policy. ) no offense to anyone but please no more posts on this subject unless you really have something useful to help me.