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Apple Music Library : Only one Activity Playlist using S2


Since a couple of weeks, it seems I only have one single activity playlist (Romance !) instead of the usual 10 playlists (romance + essentials, fitness, party, etc...). Please refer to screenshot attached. 

I tried accessing Sonos using a different device and the same issue prevails. 

Can you please let me know if this is a general issue or am I the only one being affected ? How can this issue be resolved ?

Thanks ! 


PS : This issue follows a previous issue where number of playlists from Apple Activity Playlists (using Sonos S2 App) were much narrower than the number of playlists provided by the Apple App directly. A bit furstrating !



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12 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Hi @Nicoco, welcome to the Sonos Community!

We’re aware of an issue currently where only the “Romance" activity playlist will show up in the Sonos app.

As a workaround for now, you can use AirPlay, Line-In, or Bluetooth from the native Apple Music app, if you have compatible speakers.

It may also be worth reaching out to Apple Support regarding this issue, as the Sonos app will only present the data provided by Apple Music :)


Apple says the opposite and is not responsible for how the data is being presented using a third party app….While I understand Sonos’ and Apple’s point of view, it seems I, as a customer, is left with a system that is not giving me what I was expected when I paid for it - I am aware of Air Playing the music but i experienced lower quality and stability when compared to using Sonos S2 app directly - also, Sonos’ App is (in my point of view) more user friendly than Apple Music’s App. 

I believe this issue has been on-going for months and I don’t see any progress which does not make me want to upgrade / extend my sonos system anymore….If you have more concrete updates that’d be good to hear. 

Thanks, Nicolas

Userlevel 7
Badge +23


Apple says the opposite and is not responsible for how the data is being presented using a third party app….

I believe this issue has been on-going for months and I don’t see any progress which does not make me want to upgrade / extend my sonos system anymore….If you have more concrete updates that’d be good to hear. 

Thanks, Nicolas

This statement from Apple is 100% BS and indicates only that this person has no clue what they are talking about,

On another thread I posted the actual XML data that Apple’s service is returning, and it has exactly one item in it, “Romance”.


I also have this problem and I am getting quite annoyed. Sonos please put pressure on Apple to fix this. This has been going on for months.

Have the exact same issue and was just seeing if there was a fix yet and ended up here. Hope the activity playlists return. I find myself using amazon music instead since they work


Same issue. Frustrating

Same issue for many months now

Apple still hasn’t fixed the data they are sending to Sonos. Sonos is only capable of displaying what they are told to by Apple’s servers. 

How does one even approach Apple on fixing this issue? Through their online Help forum I assume? Is there an existing thread in the Apple support forum that someone could post?

I raised an Apple support ticket and got through to their second line around a week ago. The guy acknowledged there did seem to be an issue, and resolved to escalate. Something at my end has changed now - could others check to see if theirs has changed too? 

I’m getting a fuller initial list of activity playlists (not just romance!), but digging into the playlists there’s a few DO NOT USE/DELETE labelled playlists. Not seeing any curator playlists also. 

Something has changed, but it’s still not fixed. Not sure if this is just coincidence or related to my ticket.  

Thank you Inertia I now see 10 activity playlists 

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

Finally Apple got off their asses and fixed Activity Playlists! Better late then never I guess.

But yeah, I see the “DO NOT USE” ones as well. Clearly some engineer didn’t quite finish the job.