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Are there any plans to correct the hideous app update? CRAZY for sonos to alienate its customers. maybe their pants have gotten to big and they just don’t give a crap. where to start, hum, volume controller is not responsive and jumps all over the place and with 10 speakers tied into the system it is a cluster. why were the volume indicating numbers removed from the volume controller? how am i supposed to tell if the 10 speakers are set at the same volume level without them with with the non-responsive volume controller? why was the timer removed? SONOS wake, your user in revolt. SONOS post whether you are listening or not. if it is time for me to look for a new sound system i would like to know now so that i can stop cursing you a thousand times day... 

love the company write-up on the update..the new app will be easier and better...liars...did they ask seasoned users to take part their little market AH checked a box and got a raise...

Sonos has already addressed many of the missing features and plans to bring back more features in the near future:


App was updated late on 4th June.  Easy to update on Android.  On iOS I had to disable and the re-enable to get 80.02.05

i updated the ios app and don’t see any changes. really don’t appreciate sonos asking me to remain signed in to use features of the product. intrusive. the speakers are on my network and the app clearly sees them, so why do i need to sign in, so sonos can better track my activity. crap. just crap.  10 years later it seems it is time for me look around for another product. 

i updated the ios app and don’t see any changes. really don’t appreciate sonos asking me to remain signed in to use features of the product. intrusive. the speakers are on my network and the app clearly sees them, so why do i need to sign in, so sonos can better track my activity. crap. just crap.  10 years later it seems it is time for me look around for another product. 

You need to update the app AND the speakers.

i updated the ios app and don’t see any changes. really don’t appreciate sonos asking me to remain signed in to use features of the product. intrusive. the speakers are on my network and the app clearly sees them, so why do i need to sign in, so sonos can better track my activity. crap. just crap.  10 years later it seems it is time for me look around for another product. 


The app has required you to sign in for over a decade.  You only sign in once, unless you reset the app or load it new.  This is in order to block setup options like volume limits and music services to keep unauthorized users from changing them. 


funny, i have been using my speakers for 10 years and have never had to sign in to use them or to use sonos features. i see they also want me to turn on location services, which i never use. sonos wants to see what i am listening to and where i am. not what is signed up for when i bought these speakers all those years ago. nazis.

My current complaint is that when watching something broadcast in Atmos, the app says simply that it is HDMI input.   I  had chat with Sonos support 2 says ago and they confirmed that I was getting Atmos and suggested I call UK support during working hours

Are there any plans to correct the hideous app update? CRAZY for sonos to alienate its customers. maybe their pants have gotten to big and they just don’t give a crap. where to start, hum, volume controller is not responsive and jumps all over the place and with 10 speakers tied into the system it is a cluster. why were the volume indicating numbers removed from the volume controller? how am i supposed to tell if the 10 speakers are set at the same volume level without them with with the non-responsive volume controller? why was the timer removed? SONOS wake, your user in revolt. SONOS post whether you are listening or not. if it is time for me to look for a new sound system i would like to know now so that i can stop cursing you a thousand times day... 

love the company write-up on the update..the new app will be easier and better...liars...did they ask seasoned users to take part their little market AH checked a box and got a raise...

This 1000%!!

sonos has always been such a frustration free premium product on par with Apple level quality.

I've been all in on the Sonos ecosystem with a wide variety of Sonos products (one, five, sub, connect, beam, move) all working perfectly for a decade. I even bought Sonos stock I liked it so much.

The “ground up” rewrite of the Sonos app has been a disaster. I would not recommend Sonos to a friend or an enemy.

As a software engineer I feel the Sonos devs need to immediately focus on stabilizing the new app infrastructure before putting resources into future features.

Volume control should absolutely be the top backlog priority. Next priority should be grouping and zone selection. Fixing those two problems will greatly improve the user experience more than any other features that are being worked. 

Thanks and good luck devs.