I know this has come up before but having followed all the suggestions and apparent "solutions" I'm still stuck with this issue. And I am going to give a far more detailed breakdown of what I've tried/what I am able to get to until I hit a wall and I definitely haven't seen any of this info elsewhere (I did look all over, both here & with Amazon)
I have not been able to properly link my Amazon Music Unlimited subscription - I can't manage the library, I can't search/add to library/like or dislike etc, can't control playlists. It does show me my library and I can keep it playing (because in the backend, somewhere, it must show I have a subscription) but basically it's linking a "Prime Music" free or stripped-down version because it's linking to an American Amazon.com domain, and I DO have an Amazon.com account (I was on there back before they even had a UK domain to speak of) and I am also an Amazon Prime member in the UK. This covers audible as well I suppose - I unlinked Audible and Alexa in the process of trying to correct this - and I am trying to re-authorise Audible and because it is taking me to the Amazon.com domain, I don't want to proceed, in case it guarantees I won't be able to fix the Amazon Music problems that are the main concern.
Here is the authorisation link when I use the Sonos desktop app:
Moderator edit: [link removed]
I'm a novice (won't deny) but a fairly wily one so some things, to the experts out there who might be reading, will sound completely idiotic, but bear with me. Also, if any of the above link contains identifiers or other personal info, I'll scrub that, but I'm leaving it all in until someone tells me otherwise. What I'm looking at chiefly is:
"chimera code based linking"
CBL-code (presumably = chimera based linking) = 3DDY6BZK
Language (of client request?) = en_US
MarketplacdeID = ATVPDKIKX0DER
Language (of Marketplace?) =en_US
So, is there any way to:
force those languages to en_gb; maybe then Amazon will redirect me automatically;
Take a chimea code - I think max_auth_age=900 means I get 900 seconds to use the code? - and somehow feed it to Amazon.co.uk manally?
Is the marketplace ID relevant, can that be changed?
Is the "client-context" number relevant?
Is there anything else the well informed could point out? All help appreciated