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Alarms still do not work after hard reset and new wifi network - HELP

  • 22 July 2024
  • 2 replies

Hello, I am at my wit’s end with non-functioning alarms on my 4 sonos speakers for many weeks now. To be honest, I’ve lost count how long it’s been since alarms last worked :( 

Yes, I can manage alarms in all three apps, but the alarms never actually go off. I gave tried deleting all alarms, clearing the apps’ cache, uninstalling, etc. but the alarms never go off.

I have these 4 speakers in my apartment:

Sonos One

  • Sonos OS: S2
  • Version: 16.3 (build 80155014)
  • Hardware Version:


  • Sonos OS: S2
  • Version: 16.3 (build 80155014)
  • Hardware Version:


  • Sonos OS: S2
  • Version: 16.3 (build 80155014)
  • Hardware Version:

Sonos Roam

  • Sonos OS: S2
  • Version: 16.3 (build 80155014)
  • Hardware Version:

I manage these speakers from three places, my smartphone, iPad, and laptop. OS and App version details as follows:


  • Device: Galaxy S2, Android version 14
  • Sonos App Version: 80.04.05


  • Device: iPad Mini 6, iPad OS 17.5.1
  • Sonos app version: V 80.04.04


  • Device: MacBook AIr, M1 2020 running Sonoma 14.5
  • Sonos app version: 16.3, Sonos OS S2


Today I did the following:

  1. Unplugged all 4 speakers
  2. Created a new wifi network
  3. Uninstalled the sonos app on ALL devices
  4. Reinstalled the app on my Android (main device)
  5. Plugged in, and did a hard reset on ALL 4 speakers
  6. Reconnected the 4 speakers to the sonos app on my Android/New wifi network
  7. Installed the sonos app on my iPad  and laptop and joined the new network

Unfortunately, after all of this, Alarms still don’t trigger. 😭 I tried on all 4 speakers. I tried with chime as the alarm sound as well as a radio station and Spotify. Despite many alarms set on 4 speakers, not one worked. For now, I have yet again deleted all alarms.

I am out of options here. Is anyone else having this issue? I’ve been using Sonos as my alarm for YEARS and this not working has been a huge, ongoing bummer. How do I fix this?

2 replies

Yes, have the exact same issue. I even tried every possible timezone. 

Yes, have the exact same issue. I even tried every possible timezone. 

Sorry to hear that :(
