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As in the subject, I have a spotify Premium Duo Account.

Sonos in logged with user1, if I start streaming a Playlist from Spotify user1, every goes fine except that if I start listening with same user1 from another device, Sonos stops playing.

Sonos neetwork is 4 Symfonsyk speakers


Secondly, if the I starts streming a spotify user2 playlist, the streaming is interruptes ciclically by spotify advertisements like a free account). I user2 plays from spotify app there’s no any advertisments, correctly.


How Can I do to solve?

Hi ​@AndreaBoerio, welcome to the Sonos Community!

I’m sorry to hear that you’re having issues with Spotify on your system. 

For your first issue, Spotify has a stream limitation where each Spotify account can only be played at a single IP address at any given time. Either you play from Sonos, from your phone, from your computer, but not all at once. You can have concurrent streams within the same Sonos household when using the Sonos app (for example; one album on a Sonos One, and another album on a Sonos Five), but if you use a different non-Sonos device, then Spotify will stop playing to Sonos.

Regarding the second issue, since playing from the Spotify doesn’t play ads, then reauthorizing the account in the Sonos app may resolve this. You can do this by opening the Sonos app and tapping on the account icon, then going to Content Services → Spotify → User 2’s account → Reauthorize Account. After doing this, try playing through the Sonos app again to see if you still receive ads. If so, then please reach out to our support team for further troubleshooting.

I hope this helps!
