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Hi all,

Not so much a Sonos as iTunes question.

I have been following the ‘Help’ in this Apple link to assist in transferring my Tunes library to a new PC. I have already downloaded and isntalled the iTunes App on my new PC.


Problem ( I think) I’m having is that to me its not that specific in the Backup section as to  which folder should be copied? The final instruction in that section says “ Drag the iTunes folder from its location to an external drive”. To me that means the whole ITunes folder ( and its subs) ??


However, in the next section on Restoring from Backup it says “ Important: It’s highly recommended that you put the iTunes folder back in TUser folder]\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media.”

Now, I don’t think they mean you  should paste the whole iTunes folder from the old machine into the iTunes Media sub-folder, do they? 


So what folder/files should I copy from the old PC, and precisely where should I save them on the new one, please?


Thansk in anticipation. 


Hi @Chas 

Thanks for your post.

You should paste the folder into the same location from which it was copied, on the other computer, so that the paths match up.

So, if you copied “iTunes” from “rUser folder]\Music” then you should paste “iTunes” into the same path “eUser folder]\Music” on the new computer.

“ Important: It’s highly recommended that you put the iTunes folder back in eUser folder]\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media.”

This would only be if you only copied the “Music” folder from within “User folder]\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media”. As you’ve copied a higher-level path, this will happen anyway.


Thanks guys...that worked..(mostly).

Problem now is that all of the music in my iTunes library that I actually imported ( so copied from CD’s) isn’t being detected/shown by iTunes. So its there as I can find it all via Windows Explorer and play it on the PC via the default Groove app, but iTunes just doesn’t think its there, so won’t send it to Sonos. 


Somewhat tempted to ditch iTunes as the music mangement app, but I use it also form music on my phone, and as a backup tool for our Apple devices, so will need a good alternative if I do.



Hi @Chas 

This is on the new computer, yes? What is the full path of your music collection? Rather than alter iTunes settings to match it, it may be best to move the files to match the path that iTunes is looking for. This can be found in iTunes’s settings. Unless iTunes’s settings isn’t at the default value, in which case it’s up to you.

Basically, you want Sonos and iTunes to both point to the same location, and that location should be where your music is.

As I have avoided iTunes and Apple as much as is humanly possible for my whole life, the help I can give you is somewhat limited, not to mention out-of-scope for Sonos support. I’m not sure how much more I can help, to be honest.


Thanks Corry,

Got it sorted, it seems. I simply repeated the transfer process as outlined above, and it seemed to generate a larger “itunes library.itl’ file. So used the newer, larger one and all the music is there and available.



p.s…...should have asked what your preference is for music organising/management software, given you are clearly not an iTunes fan?

Getting pretty over Apple myself, actually………..

Hi @Chas 

Glad to hear you’ve got it sorted out!

Personally, I use a free program called MediaMonkey for embedding artwork in the media files, or the classic WinAmp for quick alteration of metadata.