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I have a failing S1 system. I have made the decision to upgrade to S2 (or whatever it is called now). Not knowing that my Spotify playlists would have to be “public” to edit (or maybe transport?), most of them are private since I didn’t know that was a thing. I have over 84 playlists totaling multiple thousands of songs. (I’ve had S1 since 2009.) 

Please tell me that my playlists will come with me when I update even if they are private on Spotify. I guess you can tell me even if they won’t. But if that is the case, I am switching to Denon since I’ll have to make them all over again anyway...Doubt I’ll live that long.

Thanks for your help.

Moderator edit: changed Sonos One and Sonos Two to S1 and S2 respectively, for clarity.

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