Hi @Pierre.L,
I’ve had a look at there’s no change on this limitation, nor any ETA on when or if it will be changed; it’s still 100 tracks per container for Soundcloud.
I’d be happy to forward this to the relevant teams as a feature request for their consideration.
Hi Jamie, That would be great, and I don't think it would require any major development. May just to push a little a figure :)
How can I stay in touch on this subject?
If the Desktop app has the same limit then its Soundcloud’s job to fix.
If Desktop can show more than 100 then it is a mobile app bug for Sonos to fix.
Sorry but I cannot test the Desktop app as it is not allowed on my laptop by my work, if someone could test it please ?
Kind regards;
Ha I t think I saw a thread with the same issue but on amazon :
So the error is coming from the new app, sonos really missed the mark with this application...
Sorry but I cannot test the Desktop app as it is not allowed on my laptop by my work, if someone could test it please ?
Kind regards;
You can’t install the app on your laptop but you can add speakers to the work wifi? That’s some strange rules there. Anyway, if Store access is permitted go get my Windows app and use that.
I do not know why your are so aggressive…. is there any issue ?
My sonos system is installed at home and setup with my smartphone. I am not allowed to use my pc from work at home ?
Anyway this is not an issue from soundcould but sonos app, there other people having the same issue with different music provider, check the link above.
And are you a worker from Sonos ? if yes I am very surprise of your ton with one of Sonos’ customer
Hi @Pierre.L,
The 100 track limitation is imposed by Soundcloud, not by the Sonos app. Some services opt for higher limitations or none at all. While I have forwarded this as a feature request, it’s definitely worth asking the same of Soundcloud since they manage their integration in the Sonos app. As this is a limitation and not a bug, it’ll be the same across all devices.
Amazon Music do have a limit but it’s a 500 track limit and only when adding them to the queue, not displaying them in the Sonos app. Your issue is related to the content showing in the folder structure in the Sonos app, which is different to that thread.
ControlAV isn’t Sonos staff, but a regular community user: Sonos staff are marked as such under their name.
Ok thank you Janie for the explanation, really clear.
Ok for “Controler wav”, I really not liked the way he spoke but this is not subject here.
Regarding the issue we are speaking about did you notice soundclound about it (maybe you have some mean to do it in an dedicate place for your private exchange between Sonos
Soundcloud) ? or do I need to do it “somewhere” ?
And if yes, do you know where I could post a message about it ?
Thanks for your help and your hearing.
The best place to do so would be on Soundcloud’s own website. I’m not sure of their processes, but they may have an option to request a feature, otherwise you could submit a help ticket labelled as a feature request. On our end, me forwarding this page as a feature request to our team should have them reach out to Soundcloud, at least to inform them of the request.
Okay thank you because here it is not logical that they permit a playlist of 500 track on their side, and only 100 track on Sonos side. (not really smart...)
Thanks for your help I will try to post a message on their website, I just hope that they do not direct me to ask to Sonos…
Kind regards