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I just upgraded to Sonos Version 9. While the app is open, I noticed that the external hardware volume controls are not functioning properly. It appears that only every other button press is registering. So, press the button once... nothing. Press it again and the volume moves 2 increments. Press it a 3rd time... nothing. And so forth.

Again, this is while the app is open. This do not relate to the lock screen issue, however, that issue is also very annoying.
Most interesting, I'll have to test this myself, when I get home. Might be worth it if you were to submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of replicating this issue. There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue, assuming it's not something on your system specifically. I could see it both ways, a true bug, or an issue with your wifi being inconsistent, i.e. the speaker not being connected during one button push, but then connected on the next and capturing both...etc. Which is why I want to test. But it the grand scheme of being helpful, perhaps that diagnostic might give them more traction on figuring out what's going on.
Thanks Bruce. I don't believe it's inconsistent wifi. When I drag my finger on the screen to adjust the volume, it works smoothly and perfectly.

Shouldn't I wait for a Sonos rep to ask for diagnostics report?
Diagnostics Report has been submitted. Confirmation number: 1259251054
Laugh. Should I answer, now that you've done it? No, there's no reason to wait. Cuts some wait time in the process. And I suspect that about 50% of what they get they never look at because there's no accompanying post or phone call to tell them what to look for in the data.

I'll buy your "no problem with the wifi" based on your finger drag test. It's hard to tell while typing on a computer while not at home to do similar tests on my own, and given the rather common "it's a Sonos bug" with out any significant testing on local circumstances, it's one of those things I'm semi-sensitive to. So great, I'm happy you've provided them some information. Hopefully with the data you've supplied, they'll be able to either see an issue in your system, or much more likely, be able to re-create the issue at their end, figure out what the bug is, and get a fix in for the next release.
Hey there, hildebr287. Thanks for posting! I have an iPhone X myself and was able to replicate this at the office. That being said, would you mind giving our support technicians a call to get a closer look at this in real time. Much appreciated.
Hi Keith, thanks for the quick response. Yes, I’ll give the office a call tomorrow. Thank you for looking into it!
Hi Keith, I'm calling in right now, however, your system is saying that the hold time exceeds 30 mins. I'd like to get this resolved, but I don't really have that kind of time right now. The confirmation number referenced in this thread was submitted just a couple minutes after I was playing around with this issue on my system. I believe this should capture some good test data. I'll hang on hold for another few minutes, but likely can't wait 30.
Same issue for me on an iPhone 6 running 11.4.1 and also iPad Air 2. Seems to work OK on iPhone 5C running IOS 10.

Also works OK on the IOS 11.4.1 lockscreen (when airplay devices have been switched off). Looks like a bug to me - the touchscreen volume controls all work smoothly