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When Google Play Music was around, I'd use a play list from it on Sonos. Right next to each song in the playlist was a thumbs up/down -- super easy to vote on a song. Now that YouTube Music has replaced GPM... I no longer see the thumbs up/down in Sonos, which is a huge annoyance for me. 

Is there another music service that works w/Sonos like GPM did?

My use case is super simple:

I have one playlist (liked music) that I listen to on shuffle. When I come across a new band on say  I'll go and 'like' 10 or songs... add them to shuffle. Whenever something plays that I don't want to hear anymore, I could quickly unlike it in Sonos and it updated the playlist back at the GPM (or whatever service supports it).

I know Pandora had the thumbs up/thumbs down feature. I don’t know if it still exists though.

Many services offer this, but Google’s half-assed YTM SMAPI endpoint does not.